Monday, August 26, 2013

A Village of Kapos

Angry note from a Reader

I just received an e-mail that the delegate assembly meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, the day before the start of Rosh Hashanah , ERIV (The day used to prepare for the holiday), pretty much like scheduling a meeting on  Xmas Day Eve. What a big surprise. What is wrong with a week delay, or a week earlier?

Not only has David Israel turned C.V. into a Nazi concentration camp during his leadership but he converted those officers’-directors’-executive members of the Jewish faith into kapos. (A Jew who guarded WW II Jewish prisoners in the concentration camps).

Not only is it despicable that David Israel can foster such disregard for Jews and others of the village, but even more disturbing is those other officers and members of the executive board and delegates who just kiss ass and follow him like the Hitler’s youth movement of the past. The same destiny awaits him and those that blindly follow him.

Not only is this meeting but others as well are scheduled during the holidays.

What has he scheduled for Yom Kippur an open town hall meeting for the Muslim brotherhood and the Taliban?

We cannot let this go forward without a fight. To let it go would be an insult to the six million Jews who were destroyed during the holocaust.

Remember what the late great rabbi Klahanie said "never again"

Would there be a delegates meeting on Christmas Eve Day?

Stand and fight let your voice be heard. This is just a total lack of respect!

Don't you think so?


  1. I will try to be generous to Dave Israel though I know not why, and simply assume that he is probably a Jew who is not very proud of who he is (and that I can believe) and like many other Jews has forgotten his heritage or to be kinder, assume that since he does not know much, he does not understand how much preparation there is on that day and so simply assumed that since it was not the holiday itself, he could schedule. Whatever the reason, it still is unthinking at best and disrespectable to say the least. Those of the officers who did not object, Jewish or otherwise, observant or not, are, again, unthinking at best, and/or engaging in their usual brownnosing of Dave. Was there any reason given why it was changed? I don't know the procedure, I any, to getting the date changed again, but perhaps someone in UCO knows and cares enough to start the ball rolling.

    All this makes it even clearer why he and his minion have got to go this new election.

  2. Dear Angry, - you're pissed, really pissed, and who can blame you. It is pretty clear that EL DUCE cares only about himself, nobody else. What I have been talking about over and over is that you can't go one on one with him because he'll put you down. You need to have people band together, all on the same rail, and paper his door with letters, flood his e-mail box, telephone him numerous times; write to the UCO attorney and to the vice presidents, visit him at the UCO offices 5 or 6 people at a time daily, put articles in the UCO reporter, demand that he make a public statement as to why he is doing this. Demand that he tell the truth. A group has to be formed.
    Why is he doing this? Because he has an agenda and it can't wait. He couldn't care less about the Jewish holiday, - his agenda comes first. What agenda? The Wi-Fi con job agenda. There is so much negativity going on in the Village re the Wi-Fi, that he needs to get before the Delegates immediately so that he can get them to double the money in next years budget to be sure that he can make his Wi-Fi SCANDAL work.
    This man is like a very spoiled child...he needs to be FORCED into doing the right thing. Good Luck.

  3. Last year when the budget was to be voted upon by the delegates the meeting was on Simchat Torah. When I pointed this out to David, his reply was that if he had to be concerned of all holidays of every religion, UCO could not function. Then to add insult to injury, for the first time ever (to my knowledge) the Installation dinner was held on Saturday not as always on Sunday.There was a gloeing report in the UCO reporter by a Jewish VP who attended.George Loewenstein Past UCO president

  4. I am a non believer, yet I have respect for ALL religions'.
    I believe David Israel believes in only one religion and only one God - HIMSELF.

  5. regardless of how you feel about the change in the date for the delegate assembly, please try to show up or any vote that passes at the exec. bd. meeting will hold if there is no quorum at the delegate assembly.there mis much to hear this month.
