At the Candidates' Forum, Mr. Israel, with his chin nearly
touching his chest, which had the appearance of an apologetic physical gesture, --- stated several times that presidents make mistakes, and he admits that he has made mistakes by the vast spending of everyone's money. He readily admitted it for the first time and it was recorded.
All well and good, but what is a MISTAKE involving money? How much is it --- $100. or $500., or perhaps a huge mistake involving $10,000? HOW ABOUT A MISTAKE INVOLVING FIVE MILLION ($5,000,000.00) DOLLARS? In answering the question and a rebuttal about the paving job, he admitted that it was a mistake. His mistake was the mismanagement and manipulation of your money --in total secrecy.
The so-called "Malcontents" (anyone with an opposing view of Mr. Israel's statements), were trying to tell him over and over during the course of many, many months that the paving jobs, including its ONE-PAGE CONTRACTS, was not proceeding in a professional manner and the result might prove to be disastrous. Here is a President committing the very WORST MISTAKE imaginable; he wouldn't listen. And his band of knaves (reducing every day in number), think that what he did was perfectly all right. UNBELIEVABLE!
Mr. Israel, at the Forum, admitted with a solemn face that there are areas throughout the Village in need of repair and perhaps even re-paving, and not to worry, because monies are being set aside to prepare for such work. THE PAVING IS A FEW YEARS OLD, AND HE'S PREPARING FOR A RE-PAVING JOB IN CERTAIN AREAS? The master of deception is on his way to do it all over again. Right before your very eyes, if you believe in history repeating itself, he'll get Ed Black, his secret backroom NSA agent in training, to
put together another "Buy-A-Bridge" SCANDAL.
If you know anything about paving and you tour the entire Village, you just might visualize a $1 - $3 million dollar job looking at you. And, after Messrs. Israel and Black suck us in, the scope of work expands,.........a typical con maneuver. As a good prosecutor might say, ---"They knew or should have known what they were doing and the ultimate consequences."
Oh yeah, -- you can't forget the line of credit MISTAKE, or the property drainage MISTAKE big time, and several other mistakes that involve thousands of our dollars. With Mr. Israel, it appears that it is all about EGO, POWER, CONTROL and SCANDAL, and his tone at the Forum delivered just that.
What we need in Century Village is an honest government. We don't need EGOTISTS, nor do we need POWER-POLITICS; we don't need CONTROL FREAKS, and we certainly don't need SCANDAL MONGERS. We need to get the shady people to exit and let the sunshine in.
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