Monday, June 30, 2014

Freedom of Speech, the Supreme Court revisited

Sunday, June 29, 2014


     So suddenly my potential slayer has realized that he has done a dumb thing, threatening me in a physical manner. Well, too late. All the retractions you now make do not erase what you said. Now you write me and tell me that there are not enough fireworks to blow me up. So what now? A gun? A bow and arrow? Perhaps a knife in the back - nope, you did that already. So, what is left? A conk on the head, run me down with your car and claim you are a senior citizen and lost control? Aha, perhaps a poison pill!
     Do you now realize how truly dumb you are and sound. If you disagree with what I write, speak properly without stupid baby name calling - nyah, nah nah nah nah! (See how stupid that is!). Try to write intelligently, back up what you have to say and stop trying to bully everyone. And of course, why not try honesty for a change and post your comments with YOUR OWN NAME. If you are so correct in what you state, then have the courage of your convictions but until that happens, you will remain a sniveling coward whose comments will never be posted on the blog. Now go play somewhere else!


     This past week there was a decision made by the courts that I did not care for in one sense but valued highly for what it says on another issue important to me. The Court abolished the buffer zone around clinics such as those belonging to Planned Parenthood, thus allowing the protesters to approach those entering the building. Now understand that people entering so called abortion clinics are not there only for one reason. Most of these clinics provide for women's health and advise in an area where it is scarce.
     Now people entering the clinic, many in crisis mode, will be allowed to be hassled. Yes, there is free speech and the protesters had free speech standing where they were and the clients and staff of the clinics had their safety as well. Now that safety is in danger and we all know that there is a twisted logic among extremist protesters that anti abortion is ok for there are lives at stake, but to kill in the name of saving those lives is ok, fine to murder others. I cannot understand that.
    Abortion is not something one is for. It is a terrible decision to have to make and is not made easily but the choice must be there and it is the woman's choice, not that of a cabal of know it alls screeching away outside the door of a clinic. Legal or not, abortion will take place, so actually, lives are saved when it is legal. Are we truly heading back to back alley abortions in filthy apartments or wire hanger abortions with horrible consequences?
     Anyway, back to free speech. It appears that one cannot block people who wish to speak or gather somewhere for the purpose of expressing themselves. So, David Israel, this appears to put a cramp in your dictatorship. Perhaps the one who is out of order is you and when you slam that gavel and screech your favorite refrain, the PBSO armed guards which you have brought in might have to take YOU into custody! It will be you violating rules.Nice picture, that! In addition, we appear to have the right, according to this ruling, to gather and protest or hand out items by the Clubhouse. Eva, you need to think carefully on this. This is a great issue and great for publicity for an organization that champion rights. What would it look like if there are headlines - Huge Conglomerate Oppressed Helpless Senior Citizens or Seniors at CV Denied Rights or stories of the Levys and how they conspire with a tinpot dictator to deny the civil rights of residents of the Village. Gotta tell ya' - not too good for new residents to buy into the Village and really crappy publicity!
     Perhaps we need to organize a protest and we can even have signs reviving the old slogans - POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Wouldn't all the past rebels of the sixties and seventies love to relive a bit of their past! Interesting thought, that.

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