Friday, October 2, 2015

More on the DA.

So what happened at the Delegate Assembly last Friday? Nothing, not much. The security agreement was up for approval in a hurry. We were asked to approve it before we read it.

The great mediator the T-shirted President was in rare form. He was over bearing, boorish and sometimes just plain impolite.

He listened to the Delegates almost with disdain, then he would make a decision that was against the Roberts Rules that we are supposed to operate by.

He decides what is passed and what is not passed. Objections are ignored.

He must be the one to go. He brags that before he came on board there was no information as to the contracts signed by UCO. He claims the publishing of any and all contracts to the Delegates is strictly due to himself.

He also claims no knowledge of people that are not on his mailing list. Although I know for a fact that I have been banned from his Email list.

He should resign, now.

Vote for Phyllis she will be the ray of sunshine needed.


  1. Not to mention that he pushed through a vote illegally for a company whose owner is a friend of a strong David Israel supporter, who also happens to be on the Executive Board. Is anyone other than me embarrassed in front of not only our residents, but in front of the 'dignataries' that attend our meetings, when our president dresses in a t-shirt and casual shorts that are of the type that one would wear to the gym? How incredibly impolite and disgusting can he be.

    1. He has 2 caveats, one is that we always have money comming in, so we can spend away. And second, he is the President, I get what I want. Period end of story.

      That is until we Phyllis rolling, them bye, bye DI.

  2. The dignataries know we have a problem, I guess they are saying to themselves, how can the RESIDENTS vote in this man for president. It reflects on the VILLAGE, PEOPLE. Can you see Heads of State being greeting this way.

  3. We are an embarrassment to ourselves simply by allowing this man to have his way.
