Friday, January 15, 2016

The Autocrat

By Stew Richland
Dave Israel’s mantra:
    Ho Ho
    Hay Hay
    How many people did I fire today?

When elected officials move closer to the end of their tenure in office, they begin to think about their legacy.  Well let’s take a gander at Dave Israel’s legacy.
For starters, he broke the time honored rule of term limits.  The term limit restriction was placed in the by-laws by the founders of UCO when they clearly understood that no one person should occupy the office of president indefinitely.  To quote Ed Black, who clearly spelled out the importance of this issue on 5/23/08, he stated, “….the fire in the belly of a newly elected to do their best,”  is the main point why there should be term limits. Mr. Black also noted that term limits, “…promotes and encourages the next generation of qualified applicants to become involved in the administration of this Village….” Mr. Black also warned against have elected officials , ‘entrenched for the next millennium….”  as UCO officers.  Mr. Israel clearly understood the rules when he ran for office.  Why he broke them is not a mystery.  He is ego driven.  When he looks in the mirror,  he has to believe his own propaganda that he is the most knowledge person in all Century Village.  Just a reminder Dave, “the exaggerated sense of your own self-importance is exhausting.” (Jessica Strobietto- graphic artist)
Another notch in his legacy belt, is the fact that he has fired  or rejected more people in, and from his administration than any other UCO President.  I attended a meeting awhile back, when a committee member had a difference of opinion with Dave over policy.  Dave was so intransigent about his position  that the committee member said he could not take this nonsense any more and walked out.  Howie Silver challenged something that Dave wrote and soon after the incident he was summarily fired from his volunteer position at the UCO Reporter.  The list is much longer, but suffice to say, you get the drift.
Shakespeare noted that the “evil that men do lives after them,” so let it be with Dave Israel.  Yes he is ambitious.  He wants a fourth term.  Well on 7/11/2008 Dave Israel stated, “Autocrats abhor term limits because they preclude their becoming permanently ensconced in their autocratic positions.  Conclusion: Dave Israel is an autocrat.

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