Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bits and pieces.

I see that there is a unit up for sale in Kent C. This is a building that purports to be non-smoking, but the people that live there smoke and resist the no smoking rules.

As a matter of fact, one of the unit owners has put her unit up for sale because of the fear or threat that she will be sued because of her resistance to the no smoking rule.

I see that there is renewed vigor for the planning of a Village-wide Wi-Fi. This goes on under the auspices of Dave Israel although a majority of the Delegates voted it down. Israel's approach is way to expensive. There are cheaper ways to do this. One being  each association wifi's its own building. Cost about $5-6 per unit. The article purporting that Obama wants wifi is misleading. He does not want it free. Somebody is going to pay for this. Supposing that it was decided to take it out of everybodys Social Security check?

The talk about how wonderful Village wide wifi will be is a pipe dream. We already had an Israel Expert address us and he said that Israel's plan will NOT work, So why does he keep pushing against the will of the Delegates? I know that Isreal says the Association WiFi is not strong enough. I don't believe him. The source is the same source that everybody has available to each and every subscriber. Pay the price and you get wifi. The speed will vary based on what you order and pay for.

So what is the problem? Is this another one of Israel's boondoggles? Is this supposed to be good for the Village or is it just good for Israels legacy? At our expense?


I see that the haters are out in force again. So we have it clear, this is my take on the Haters. Elaine Brown, Peter Cruise, Barbara Cornish. And of course, there is Mollie. These people, in the main, are the voice of D.Israel. They spew hate and propaganda frequently. Generally, they know not of what they speak.


It seems as if they don't even think. Take for instance the asking of a question by a Delegate at the Delegates Assembly, how is that disruptive? Well, maybe it is. If the question asked is against what Israels wants or wants to believe or doesn't want mentioned, then maybe to his thinking it is disrupting him.


And a special shout out to Mollie. Apparently you have forgotten we are a retirement community. Over 55, please. There are no children here. There are no children here that could be advantaged by Wi-Fi. There is no homework. As a matter of fact, we have a large segment of our population that is opposed to Wi-Fi in any circumstance.

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