At a recent executive board meeting, Toni Solometo brought
up the possibility of raising the issue of eliminating term limits - She
appears to have a very strong opinion in this matter.
When the issue was first brought before the delegate
assembly, the delegates voted it down and kept term limits.
At present, there is an inconsistency in our UCO bylaws
regarding term limits. Term limits exist for all Officers except, Treasurer,
Corresponding and Recording Secretary. This of course does not make sense.It is my strong opinion that in order to correct this matter we give term limits to all the officers who do not presently have them. In this way, we will have equality for all.
At this same meeting, David Israel made light of the pending
lawsuit, and the executive board members appeared to go along with him. This
was a huge mistake on his part. This lawsuit is not trivial. It is a serious matter
based on supporting evidence, which could have grave consequences for all involved.
Therefore, taking up the issue of term limits at this time
is a huge mistake. If we eliminate term limits, and the outcome of the lawsuit
goes against UCO you may be stuck for life with a group of people running UCO who broke
the law and are not qualified to be officers of an Organization that has the
power to spend millions of dollars of the resident’s money. If the Officers manage to put term limits on the agenda again, I solemnly urge the delegates to vote this down as they did the first time.
Olga Wolkenstein