Olga Sez

Welcome to Olga Sez

About your comments.

Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to 

add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit 

your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters,

however, and I may even delete off-topic comments.


My Wishlist
At a recent executive board meeting, Toni Solometo brought up the possibility of raising the issue of eliminating term limits - She appears to have a very strong opinion in this matter.

When the issue was first brought before the delegate assembly, the delegates voted it down and kept term limits.

At present, there is an inconsistency in our UCO bylaws regarding term limits. Term limits exist for all Officers except, Treasurer, Corresponding and Recording Secretary. This of course does not make sense.

It is my strong opinion that in order to correct this matter we give term limits to all the officers who do not presently have them. In this way, we will have equality for all.

At this same meeting, David Israel made light of the pending lawsuit, and the executive board members appeared to go along with him. This was a huge mistake on his part. This lawsuit is not trivial. It is a serious matter based on supporting evidence, which could have grave consequences for all involved.

Therefore, taking up the issue of term limits at this time is a huge mistake. If we eliminate term limits, and the outcome of the lawsuit goes against UCO you may be stuck for life with a group of people running UCO   who broke the law and are not qualified to be officers of an Organization that has the power to spend millions of dollars of the resident’s money. 

If the Officers manage to put term limits on the agenda again, I solemnly urge the delegates to vote this down as they did the first time. 

Olga Wolkenstein

Have you ever been curious as to why the same people post on David Israel’s blog?  It is because his blog is limited to a membership of 100 and when this magic number has been reached you must send your post to David.  He will post it for you if he decides it is suitable. To think that a blog, which purports to represent 12,000 to 15,000 Century Village Residents, has a quota of 100 is absolutely insane. This quota favors a small minority of David’s followers in which only their biased opinions are expressed and ultimately believed. It would be wise for you to keep this in mind when you are reading the trash from his troop.  Try to remember that many opinions expressed by his followers are not necessarily factual. In fact, many of their views are contemptible lies meant to confuse the residents. It is unfortunate that only a handful of residents can become licensed to control the voice of the blog.
Olga Wolkenstein

Choices are what you make when you decide to start a blog with a limit of 100 people. A blog which represents 12000 to 15000 residents should not have a quota of 100. It should be fairly accessible for any resident to express his or her opinion without censorship of his majesty, the blog meister; even  when he claims to print our diversifying opinions we have no way or knowing whether his word is true or not; especially when he has been known to  twist the truth.
David Israel and his inane brand of sycophants rationalize that 100 is the limit for a blog which represents thousands and so be it. The heck with anyone who would like to become a member after the limit is reached.  To the people who arrive late to join his blog, they say, too bad. Well, I don’t buy this rationale. I am a strong believer of fair play for all, and if any one of you out there believes fairness is irrational; you should have your head examined.

Lanny Howe would like to have David and I, sit down together, enjoy a nice meal and partake in some pleasant dinner conversation; he even half- hardly agreed to pay for it.  Thank you Lanny, but the idea of breaking bread with the devil is repulsive to me. I will never sell my soul at any price, let alone the price of a meal.  My principles and self-respect are not for sale.

Olga Wolkenstein

For the UCO reporter
Some of my articles submitted to the UCO Reporter have not been published; for reasons only the editors can answer. Other articles have been censored. There is now a website where you can learn the truth about Century Village; it is a site where you can feel free to speak the truth without any reprisals from David Israel. Articles will be published as written; warts and all except any article which may be considered libelous. The latter is only to protect you and the blog. You are all invited to join us in this refreshing endeavor to reveal the truth about our village. Feel free to join us to express yourself without censorship. As for myself, I will continue to write only what I believe to be factual; good or bad.  
The website address is:http://myvillageblogger.blogspot.com

David Israel gave the Officers of UCO two choices to replace Barbara Cornish as Vice President; John Gluszak and Ed Black. I am happy to say the officers of UCO did the right thing in voting for John, who was next in line to secure the position since he had the most votes behind Marcia Ziccardy, who was elected Vice President.

The final vote to replace Barbara will go before the Delegate Assembly, and I feel confident they will also do the right thing.    

Ed Black has been a thorn in my side for the longest time. He barred my roofers from coming into the village to repair my roof after the hurricane while he secured an arrangement with HIS Chosen roofing company to enter the village and replace the majority of roofs. As treasurer, he practically bankrupted the village; However, David keeps him in the loop.

It was a relief for me to see the offices do the right thing for a change and vote against David’s protégé.
Olga Wolkenstein

Note: The website contains articles which did not appear in the Reporter.
Much has been said about the recall of David Israel, and I would like to clarify a very important issue which occurred the day of the recall. This was the dismissal of evidence presented before the committee by the petitioners. When the petitioners handed the committee their supporting evidence, they took a brief look at it and announced it was related to Roger Carver and not David Israel; they dismissed the evidence without looking at it further. On the first page of the evidence was a cover letter which read in part:

Attached, please find a copy of a complaint between UCOand M&M Asphalt. I wish said documents to be entered into the Board of Inquiry’s record concerning Mr. Israel, as Mr. Carver’s alleged errors and omissions covered therein occurred under Mr. Israel’s auspices and authority as President, and in part form the basis of the petition.

If the committee had taken the time to view the evidence as presented, they would have realized the complaints against David Israel, and Roger Carvers were interrelated and as such too numerous to be examined in such a short time. In all fairness, they would have had to postpone the recall to examine the evidence. This never happened.

I just returned from jury duty in which the jurors were questioned by both parties in what is known as Voir dire (the truth). One of the reasons for Voir dire is to ascertain juror impartiality; this did not occur for the case of the recall of David Israel, and this is one of the main reasons for the lawsuit.

Olga Wolkenstein


Although I lost the election, it was good to know 49 people had enough confidence to cast their vote for me.In the beginning, I had no intentions of running. I was approached by three vice presidents of UCO to run because they felt I would make a good candidate. At the time, I turned them down because I wanted to “KEEP MY LIFE."

I only decided to run after UCO mishandled David Israel’s recall hearing.

All the while, my feelings about running were ambivalent. However, I decided to stay on the ticket and told myself if I was elected, I would give my all to the job. That did not happen so now I can relax by the pool, continue to write and enjoy my life.

All’s well that ends well!

Olga Wolkenstein

Besides David Israel, we now have another dictator in our midst.

In the clubhouse, on the right side before entering the theatre, there is a small table. The table is for notices and pamphlets. At the delegate assembly meeting on March 1, 2013, when term limits were on the agenda, pink notices suggesting term limits be delayed until the lawsuit against UCO is settled were on this table. Isobel – an usher -attempted to remove them. I reminded her; the table was for all notices, and she correctly left them alone. Along came Barbara Cornish and abruptly grabbed the notices in her hand and took them off the table. I reminded her, if she removed one group of notices, she must take away all notices. She ignored me.

I regret deeply to say that Barbara Cornish has let her position as Vice President of UCO fill her head. She has become just another one of THOSE PEOPLE who believe that because they have power in UCO, they have power everywhere.

It is my understanding; the clubhouse is run by WPRF, and they are the ones responsible for what should and should not be allowed there - NOT BARBARA CORNISH.

Below is a copy of the so-called damaging notice placed on the table Barbara absolutely had to remove for fear it might damage the minds of the residents:


A lawsuit has been filed against UCO with some serious charges. We don’t know what the outcome will be. It is possible that a judge could rule against UCO and in favor of the complainants. The sensible thing to do is to delay making any decision regarding term limits today. You should wait until the lawsuit is settled. A motion is going to be made to delay the vote to eliminate term limits until the lawsuit is settled.

Please support this motion. It’s the right thing to do.

Note: The motion to delay the vote was not made because the delegates voted to keep term limits.
Olga Wolkenstein

Roger Carver did a deplorable job managing Century Village and the paving project.
I had no intentions of bringing this subject up at this time, but because David Israel decided to malign Messengers, Grossman, Karpf and Solomon in his article“The Butchers Bill " in the March issue of the UCO Reporter, I decided the time is now to set the record straight. In his article David blamed Messengers, Grossman, Karpf and Solomon for filing a complaint against Roger Carver, which could result in his losing hisCAM license and possible livelihood. Roger Carver is not going to lose his license because of these three people. These three people did not want to file a complaint against Roger as David suggested. They just wanted him removed. Because David Israel is not an approachable person, Barbara Cornish was asked to do something about getting Roger Carver removed, and she did nothing. She went so far as to tell Myron Solomon, “WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING (about Roger Carver) “YOU DO IT." That is when the formal complaint with the state Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) was made. It was made because Barbara Cornish had no intentions of pursuing the removal of Roger Carver and NOT because as David Suggested in his column by a group of “three people and their acolytes and sycophants for no reason. It was made because after several warnings, Barbara, the Vice President of UCO did not have the courage to ask Roger to resign or be terminated. She forced Solomon/Karpf into a corner in order that their only choice was to file the complaint - that is when, Roger Carver resigned.

To add insult to injury, while Roger was overseeing a poorly run paving project, David Israel gave him a five thousand dollar raise and extended his contract one year.

I am ashamed of the way Mr. Israel continues to spew his vehement remarks regarding certain people who have nothing but the desire to convey the truth to the residents of Century Village. These people have tried to awaken the somnambulistic delegates in the village who for some unknown reason, refuse to wake up.

I will admit that Mr. Israel has done some good things. He has put us forward into the 21st century with his knowledge of technology, but at the same time he has put us back years with his ignorance of our finances and his incompetence in handling the business details of his position.

At Jerry Karpf’s presidents umbrella meeting of December 2012, a most damning and bitter piece of misinformation was repeated by Elaine Brown
She stated that the suit Myron Solomon and Olga Wolkenstein instituted against Mark Levy cost the residents $600.000. For those of you who were not here at the time, we will refresh your memory.
Before the clubhouse was destroyed by the hurricane in 2005, a separate agreement, aside from the millennium agreement, was signed by George Loewenstein and Mark Levy that stated in part: When the Clubhouse is unavailable for use due to a natural disaster; the residents will not pay the clubhouse part of their WPRF dues. At that time, each resident’s monthly dues were approximately $100.00. This meant, while the clubhouse was unavailable, the residents would only pay about $30.00 in WPRF dues. Under threat, Mark Levy forced the residents to pay the full dues in spite of the agreement signed by George Loewenstein and himself.
The war was on, Myron Solomon and Olga Wolkenstein armed the trenches and initiated a lawsuit to retrieve the money Mark Levy was forcing the residents to pay.
The outcome was the delegates settled for three million dollars which more than paid for the legal fees with the remainder going back to the residents. Had Myron Solomon and Olga Wolkenstein not sued; the residents would have received nothing. They would have paid dues without use of the clubhouse. Unfortunately, the delegates voted to settle the case before it went to court. Had they not settled and continued the lawsuit, they may have won the full amount of eleven million dollars. In the long run, the suit did NOT cost the residents money as THIS PERSON stated but instead gave them back three million dollars.
It is time for whoever believes the Hurricane lawsuit cost the resident’s money to stop spewing lies and rumors and give Myron Solomon and Olga Wolkenstein the credit for standing up for the residents of Century Village.
For those of you who do not realize it, Myron Solomon and Olga Wolkenstein have always fought for the best interests of the residents. We understand that many of you disagree and some even dislike us, but we are not acting in a popularity contest. We are acting in the best interests of the residents.

Myron Solomon & Olga Wolkenstein


Many of us make mistakes.

Some of us will admit it, and some will not.

I personally have found it best to admit a mistake, learn from it and move on. One big mistake I made in the past was to support Frank Cornish for President against David Israel. I did so because I found David Israel to be untruthful and deceitful, and this was a trait I personally abhorred. Frank Cornish, on the other hand, may not have been a rocket scientist, but at the time I felt he was an honest person who if surrounded himself with some intelligent people could have been trusted to do the right thing. As it happened, I was terribly wrong because Frank turned out to be just like the other high level sycophants in the UCO administration.

Now I would like to relate to you how I came to this conclusion. Frank Cornish has always hated David Israel with a passion, and after he lost the Presidential election to David said he will never again darken the steps of the UCO office. And behold suddenly, like the great emancipator, Frank begins to appear in the UCO office, sit-in at meetings, and offer his opinion on important issues. He also decides to tell me when Myron Solomon, and I issued the eleven million dollar suit against WPRF for the excess payments the residents made after the hurricane, that the lawsuit cost the residents eight hundred thousand dollars. When I told him, it was six hundred thousand dollars, and we received three million which more than paid for the lawsuit. His retort was “Levy put five million dollars on the table." In other words, he was telling me that Mr. Levy offered to settle for five million dollars before the lawsuit was filed. Why then were not the residents or our attorney Mr. Rod Tennyson ever informed?

If they were informed our attorney would never have agreed to take on our lawsuit, and the residents would have had an opportunity to vote on the offer. This did not happen and if Frank Cornish knew about an offer and did not convey this to the residents he was in violation of his fiduciary duties - Shame on you Frank!

Either way, for me Frank turned out to be a great disappointment. I can honestly say, “I am sorry Frank; I made a mistake."

Olga Wolkenstein


The meaning of Democracy is to have FAIR PLAY BETWEEN PEOPLE WHO HAVE OPPOSING VIEWS. It is one in which our country was founded. It is why we have laws and rules in areas where opposites gather to compete with one another. Unfortunately, the meaning of democracy was lost when the board of inquiry was chosen in the recall of David Israel. The rules of democracy were violated when the five people chosen to be on the board of inquiry were chosen in secret, and their names were not publicly known unit the day of the recall.

Previous to being chosen, the petitioners were invited to an advisory meeting in which it was presumed a discussion was to take place on the procedure to select a board of inquiry. Soon after the meeting started the petitioners were asked to leave or be thrown out. The advisory committee decided the meeting was to be closed. This act of deception against the complainants was either an act of hostility or stupidity and was not the ethical way to choose a board of inquiry. Had the board of inquiry been chosen in a more democratic way, and not in secret, the recall against David Israel would have been settled and done with.

The delegates would have spoken, and the issue ended. Instead, the saga continues. Due to the inept action of the advisory committee and the UCO Officers, we now have a quagmire that will drag us deeper and deeper into the mud and continue until the real meaning of democracy is clearly unders

What occurred at David Israel’s board of inquiry hearing on Thursday February 8, 2013 at the clubhouse was a flagrant disregard of American Principles of Law and Justice. Guidelines were arbitrarily created by the Officers Committee, but the guidelines were not told to the petitioners until 5 minutes before the hearing. The UCO documents do not clearly state the guidelines for creating the Board of Inquiry; therefore, the petitioners should have been allowed input on the matter. 

This goes back to Wednesday February 6, 2013 in which the Advisory committee INVITED all the residents to attend a meeting in which 5-7 unbiased individuals would be chosen to act as the Board of Inquiry. After the participants arrived for the meeting, they were told it would be a CLOSED meeting, and they would have to leave voluntarily or be removed by the sheriff. Since there were no clear guidelines on how to conduct the meeting, it would have been only fair to the petitioners to be present during this meeting.

The Board of Inquiry was to be impartial. The five chosen, except for one member had direct or indirect associations with UCO and were clearly biased against the petitioners; only one appeared to be objective.

Each side of the inquiry was given 3 minutes to speak and be allowed to submit evidence. After the petitioners spoke they gave the board evidence to support their charges. Four of the Board of Inquiry members choose to dismiss each charge against the recall of David Israel as presented without looking for the evidence; only one had the foresight to abstain because he did not have a chance to view the evidence.

The petitioners left the recall meeting after three charges were dismissed against David Israel because it became evident; the hearing was not a level playing field and was clearly biased against the petitioners from the beginning.

On February 6, 2013 Randall Borchardt, who has for ten years been the Chairman and prominent member of the UCO advisory committee resigned as chairman. He stated during the meeting, "My priority has always been the good and welfare of the village, and now I find myself duty bound to preside over A KANGAROO COURT, ONE WHICH LACKS THE PROPER PROTOCOL TO ENSURE A FAIR SELECTION PROCESS TO EMPANEL A BOARD OF INQUIRY".

We have come at the conclusion that UCO has become a dictatorship, and dictatorships must not be allowed in Century Village. We must maintain our democratic values.

We will be asking you to keep term limits when the vote comes up at the delegate assembly. We do not want to keep the same people in power who disregard out democratic rights.

Note; definition of "A KANGAROO COURT"

A mock court set up in violation of established legal procedures.
A court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence 
Myron Solomon - Jerry Karpf - Ed Grossman


  1. With regard to the first sentence in the first post, "Some of my articles submitted to the UCO Reporter have not been published; for reasons only the editors can answer": No one can expect to always have their articles and reader comments always published in the UCO Reporter--or any newspaper, for that matter. Where does anyone get off thinking that everything they send the UCO Reporter should be published? There are other people in the Village who like to communicate, too. I WORK at the Reporter and don't get everything I write published (consider yourselves fortunate!). I don't understand this mentality.

    Am I first to respond to your new blog, Olga? Yikes! But how does this work? Am I automatically one of a new 100 or must I "subscribe"?

    1. You work at the UCO Reporter.
      Not so long ago, you had 3 ARTICLES printed in one issue.
      Get the drift?

    2. You are right, Olga, and I was a little embarrassed. I have written a number of "filler" stories to be used at any time in the paper when the editors need to fill space. Last-minute problems are always coming up in the publishing business, and (from what I understand) this happened in the preparation of that issue. My articles, which had already been proofread and vetted, apparently exactly filled the spaces. I thought myself, though, it was "overkill."

    3. While your articles were filling in spaces my informational articles were not being published.
      This is the fault of the editors, not you.
      Many of my articles submitted long before publication have been omitted due to LAST MINUTE PROBLEMS.

    4. Olga, I cannot speak for the editors, but I know this much. From what I have seen at the Reporter shop, no one (except those with regular columns, etc.) comes in with more articles and Letters to the Editor they want published than you. I go back to what I said in the beginning of this comment stream: "No one can expect to always have their articles and reader comments published in the UCO Reporter--or any newspaper, for that matter."

      The editors have a tough job. There are last-minute snags, as I mentioned above. There is the attempt to keep things fair and balanced. Of course (as one might expect) in a dispute, neither side is going to think the coverage IS fair and balanced!

      But it's not only a matter of giving both sides in a dispute their say. There's the matter of deciding how much coverage should we give this ISSUE, versus other matters of interest to readers. No newspaper continually trumpets the same thing over and over.

      I've now worked with several editors at the Reporter shop, and I've found them all to be conscientious, hard working and desirous of being fair. The present editors, Myron Silverman and Joy Vestal are doing an A-1 job in my opinion.

  2. I am so glad that you did this, Olga, as Dave's blog is set up for sycophants and kissups. It is the same names all the time and all think he is just perfect. While I am not denying that he has done some good things here in the Village, there is much that is murky or downright wrong. After pushing him and pushing him he finally disclosed the so called test results for the first part of the paving, not the second nor have I ever seen any improvements on the pebbly surfaces of the roads or the painting of the lines which look like they are eight years old already. Rules are for everyone, including all officers and demonizing those who oppose one is not the answer. Sometimes I shudder to think if Dave is representative of how our intelligence agencies are run. we have much room to improve!Dave, just be open and transparent and get the credit where credit is due and be a man and own up if you have strayed off the exact path of the way things are supposed to be done. That is all anyone wants - that and the best way of life for our Village.

    April 16, 2013 at 2:36 PM

  3. Hello Olga, Nice Blog...Wish i had your talent.
    Thank you...
    Larry Bomse,
    The Village Voice, Pembroke Pines Century Village
    www.century-village.net www.thevillagevoice.net

    1. Larry, thanks for the compliment.
      The secret to writing is simple; be honest, speak what's on your mind and ignore the BLOG TYRANTS.

  4. No use in trying to explain Lanny... You'd have a better chance at an intelligent response from the wall.

  5. Why must you always be nasty in your words and/or tone? Why always an insult? Please leave that garbage back on Dave's site where it fills half the posts and let us be civil here on Olga's blog.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Esther, you say you want me to be civil? Tell me this, How can a person that professes to have marched for peace, come into an office and after getting a descending opinion on an article supposedly written by her son turn and spew filth from her mouth that would make any sailor blush, and top it off with "YOU SHOULDA DIED IN THE WAR!!!!" You call that civil?
    No Esther, My tone has been civil in comparison. To be civil would be showing some respect. I have no respect for Olga. I have contempt. HOW DARE YOU CLAIM TO MARCH FOR PEACE AND TELL THAT TO SOMEONE THAT GAVE TWENTY YEARS OF THEIR LIFE SO YOU CAN GO ON MARCHING FOR YOUR PHONY HYPOCRITICAL CAUSES.
    Let me go further and give a little background... Olga came into the UCO Reporter with an article that she wanted published. An article dealing with proposed legislation to allow Pharmacists to have up to 6 Techs. Apparently the current amount one to one. I asked her if she had a medical background which she denied. One of my jobs in the Navy was as a Hospital Corpsman. I said while in the Navy, I had seen as many as ten techs to one Pharmacist without any issue.
    I was called various names and four letter words and then the shoulda died comment.
    So be civil? Nah, I don't think so. Esther, you ask why am I always nasty in my words and/or tone and why insult? I will answer your question with another question... Why haven't you asked Olga the exact same thing? Especially when discussing Dave Israel?

    1. There are always two sides to every story and here is mine.
      I went to the UCO office to submit an article of interest to seniors. Walgreens and CVS are pushing legislation to have one technician for each Pharmacist; there are presently three in Florida. This is detrimental to seniors who use a lot of medication. Bob Rivera interfered with my giving this article to the editor. I told him to mind his own f----business. He is only a volunteer in the paper and has no authority to interfere with business.

    2. I do not dispute that the story would have been to the interest of our residents, it does, however it is nothing but a fear tactic. You think that if you put fear into people it will always get you what you want. Not so. As stated before, you have no medical background other than having a son that is a pharmacist. Are you afraid that he will lose his job? Well what about the techs. If the pharmacies can have a few more techs, they will save money and the savings can be passed to the customer, but no, you would rather have six pharmacists paying each $120,000 or more a year...and you wonder why meds cost so much...
      Now lets go back to your side of the story, first, you have no clue what I do at the paper, yes I have a title as art director, big deal, I also write, I do a cartoon, and I do put out my opinion during staff meetings and I am heard.
      You made the encounter sound so sanitized with the actual incident. You came in, ignored the editor, and went to Lanny. Your volly of four letter words and the comment that I should've died in the war just shows me how much of a hypocrite you really are. March for peace my eye.

    3. Bob Rivers seems to think that because I was a Peacenic during the Vietnam War, I was guilty of spitting on the likes of him. Nothing is further from the truth. Peaceniks attempted to end the war and bring the soldiers home. We were the ones who understood that the Vietnam War was unjust and unnecessary. Robert McNamara, the great hawk, admitted those facts years later.
      Mr. Rivera also accused me of being a communist. I can honestly say I was never a card-carrying member of the communist party, but I will say that the communist party held beliefs that were later responsible for Americans enjoying many of the following privileges:
      Fair wages, job security, equal right, five-day workweek, eight-hour day and the list goes on and on.
      Therefore, I thank Mr. Rivera for the compliment of calling me a communist.
      I also regret that he was not able to understand the logic of the Peacenik ideology and became a soldier who was damaged in the war; that was unfortunate.
      I imagine he has to cling to his ideology in order to have a legitimate rationale for his injuries. Maybe if he begins to take his anger out on the government who misled him instead of me, he will find peace.

    4. My ideology is my oath, to support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.
      I have done and will continue to do so with pride and honor.
      I am not one to protest, criticize our military then cower behind them when attacked, and face it, you'd either be cowering behind them or collaborating to save yourself if we were ever attacked or invaded.
      You are a sick puppy. Go see a vet. And while your at it, kiss a vet for your freedoms. Just not me, unless you're gonna do it as I walk away...

    5. If you really want to support and defend the constitution you should think about defending the rights of people whose views differ from yours; this is what America is all about.
      If you are not one to protest, it can only mean you live in a dictatorship. I am an American and I protest when necessary. It's too bad you can't do the same.

  8. Bob, I see that you are angry, so much so that some of what you write is not clear, but you play unfair. You put your answer on Dave's blog and I cannot even respond there due to Dave's removal of my husband from the site because he thought my writings were his, so how are people to see an answer. Play fair and get me on the other blog so I can post an answer to you there. I read over what Olga has on her blog - and by the way, I do not know Olga and she has no clue as to who I am either, so there is no bias here one way or the other. Anyway, in reading what there is on her blog, the worst I see is that Olga calls eating with Dave worse that supping with the Devil. OK - so that is an expression, not really venomous. As for what was said verbally, as a principal I found the he said- he said accusations among the kids were actually a third version of well, we both said . I am still not seeing any reason why anyone has to be mean in tone. Anger, strong words and feelings - these I can understand as we all live here and feel strongly about our home. I would even be willing to meet and talk with you all, maybe actually clear up some items, although I am afraid that the way temperatures around here are rising that it would deteriorate into a shouting match.
    Yelling is easy. Patience and listening and trying to see the good or relevant points in another's statement shows maturity, and by the way, Olga did say that Dave has done some good things too. In any case, yelling gets us nowhere except for increasing temper tantrums and shouting at each other with no one hearing. Please, for the sake of all of us, for the sake of those of us who live here, our year round home with no other place to run to, for the sake of the elderly elderly among us who cannot go anywhere - please can we all sit down , write a list to give to each other, answer in calm language, in writing so there is no yelling and no capital letter screams either. Let the words and the belief behind them speak for themselves. Worth a shot? And how sad that no one will see my first post or my answer because of blockage from Dave's blog. Play fair.

  9. Let me remind all of you about the comment rules. Right now no registration is required, you can write all you want, often as you want I will delete those of you who don't sign your name and will delete those that break this rule "Because I value your thoughtful opinions, I encourage you to add a comment to this discussion. Don't be offended if I edit your comments for clarity or to keep out questionable matters, however, and I may even delete off-topic comments." Thanks for your participation.
    Gary your Blogmiester

  10. Esther, I am more than happy to copy and paste your remarks for you as I have done. As for yelling, you will find that I usually will not raise my voice until I am yelled at, and even then, it takes a bit.

  11. Gary Olman: I understand that as Blogmeister you must delete some comments, but it seems from what you say that you would go beyond what Dave Israel--who has been so much criticized by the one whose name this new blog bears--does on his blog. "Editing for clarity"? That can be a slippery slope. I could be wrong, but I don't think Dave does that. "Off-topic comments"? Dave allows plenty, and in fact sometimes humorously remarks about where the "thread" went. (And, mea culpa, I am an offender!) Of course Olga's and your blog is yours to run. I am only making the point that it SOUNDS as though you may be be stricter about what goes on your blog than Dave is of his. Which is one thing Olga has criticized him for!

  12. I see that you did copy and paste and I thank you for that, but how much easier it would be if I could post on my own. When I checked, I am told I cannot post so we are still in this weird disconnect stage. Bob, trust me, I can yell with the best of them but have found that the more yelling, the less hearing. A calm voice and discussion does a whole lot more and certainly your posts on this issue have been calmer since we started "talking". I think that all people want are answers and I am sure that some of the answers will be difficult to give. But doesn't Dave do the same thing - i.e. see his most recent posting asking for names,etc from Olga pertaining to the lawsuit. If they are legally required to give them , then have the lawyer request them without the snide tone. If not, then as time passes and the suit marches on, names will emerge. Unless of course, someone agrees to mediation with a mediator of good reputation with no connection to either side of the issue. As far as the war issue you raised - that is the First Amendment for which you fought or served and we are all grateful to members of our armed forces but there are people who think that we should be out of certain countries or perhaps you are referring back in history to Vietnam. Again, it is not clear, but protest is an American constitutionally granted right whether we agree with the protest statement or not. But in any case, we still have our mess here in the Village with everyone going toe to toe and posturing away while no one is listening. Sad, very dad.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Esther,

      Thank you for being sane, sensible and intelligent.

    2. Thank you for the compliment, though I am really not sure how many of those adjectives actually fit me! I just cannot take the viciousness in some of the comments. There is simply no need for it and unfortunately you seem to be a favorite target because you call the shots as you see them and are not cowed by nasty comments. I would dearly love to see the end of this or at least get in a sane back and forth between the parties concerned, without the followers being in attendance. Then no one has to posture and perhaps there can actually be some progress in resolving issues.

  14. Olga and Myron,
    The amount of money was always coming back to the Village. The three million was minus the almost seven hundred thousand that it cost us for lawyers fees. Without your law suit it would have all come back to us!

    1. Dear Grace,

      Without the lawsuit you would have gotten BUBKIS.

      Check the facts before you make a mockery of yourself.

  15. I always tell people to f-----off when they do not mind their own business. I never said you should have died in the war. That may have been your wish, not mine.
    I do not always agree with Lanny but I went to him because he was the only rational person in the office at that time.
    There are 3 Technicians to 1 Pharmacist at present.
    Walgreens and CVS want 1 Pharmacist to 6 Technicians
    On the advise of the American Pharmacist Association this change will put the public at great risk. Should we take your word or the word of experience.
    You also forgot to mention that you were chewed out by your superiors for your obnoxious behavior when I was at the Reporter.

  16. I don't have the expertise to know whether a ratio of 6 technicians to 1 pharmacist would work out okay or not. I would think it might be a prescription (pun not intended) for trouble, but on the other hand, I cannot gainsay Bob Rivera's navy experience, where it worked okay. The point is that this is A VALID POINT TO RAISE, especially in light of the fact, if the bill passed, the Florida ratio would be jumping, not from 3 to 4, but doubling from 3 to 6. That's a big jump. It's an issue worthy of debate and in itself not anything inflammatory or "negative."

  17. Now you are going to say a BOLD FACE LIE and say you didn't say that? OMG, there was a roomful of witnesses that would differ. As for me getting chewed out, didn't happen. The only superior there was Myron, and he was astonished at your comment. Go on lying, seems its what you do best.

  18. Olga you are again wrong. There was a deal made for the money to come back to us and then your lawsuit. Get your facts straight!

    1. Grace,

      It's such a shame that you really are this ignorant.

      Let it go before you fall into the hole you are digging yourself into.

  19. People, you all need to grow up. Half the comments on Dave's blog sound like a bunch of 10 year old bullies seeing who can top the insult lists and the other half sound like a gang protecting its turf. Being 65 and older does not give us permission to regress to infantile behavior. TALK to each other, not trade insults and as far as the Vietnam war - I think that was many years in the past, much water under the bridge and refighting behavior then during a different time with a different attitude - what exactly is the point????Today when veterans are asked to stand they get an ovation, so views have changed again. Does this mean that if one thinks we should get the hell out of Iraq and Afghanistan that person is also not patriotic, a traitor, a Communist? Really now! And why argue about the tech issue like that. Have an opinion, whatever it is, call your congressman or state rep and voice your opinion there. It will do more good that way than screaming and cursing at each other. What for? Bottom line - there is no profit in it at all. And by the way, Bob, while you posted a comment or two from me I cannot post it myself nor comment on any other post so still not fair and when someone boasts that Dave's blog has no censorship - Really, again? When only trusted supporters are free to post, except for a token one or two who can be used as a target for further kindergarten ranting and raving - hate to break it to you, but that is called, oh what was that word again - oh, got it - censorship!

  20. Esther, you are complaining about censorship. yet there is a link directly to this blog. How is that censorship? you post here and people can see it. Sounds an awful lot like fair play to me. either way, you get whatever you say across.

  21. You obviously did not read my statement carefully as I acknowledged the link to this blog but questioned the motive, and in fact, one of the comments on Dave's blog, possibly from Dave himself, said that the reason there was a link was because it was better to know what was being said. C'mon, what is this - a spy novel or movie? Are there double agents? This is nonsense - just talk to each other in a civil tone or write via a third person, and settle issues like an adult. IF Carter can go to Bush's library opening then surely both parties in this dispute can make a better go of it in trying to resolve the issues. I also never expressed any doubt about posting on this web site - I said I cannot post or comment on a comment on the other blog so in any case, still waiting for a relevant answer to the questions or issues I raised. In fact, I will drop the whole censorship matter if all you guys agree to talk, to mediate, to write to each other, or even just to stop the ridiculous statements made in some of the comments to each other. Maybe one day .......

  22. I believe I can explain the motive behind David Israel putting a link to OLGA SEZ on his blog.
    I received the following e-mail from David recently:

    Since you have a channel of your own to Mr. Olman’s BLOG and since I have a direct link to it on the BLOG, it is redundant for me to post your text on the BLOG.
    David is telling me that he will no longer put my posts on HIS BLOG.
    Draw your own conclusions.

  23. Olga, that is exactly what I have been saying abut the blog that Dave has. There appears to be a motive of insulting you and basically anyone who agrees with you or at least does n ot agree with Dave and now that there seems to be annoying people like me who are questioning the blog behavior found on his site, he has decided to remove you entirely. I think you should put it out in the Advocate or the Condo News or even the UCO paper about your blog site. I simply keep asking where is the civility and why the censorship and basically get no answer. Sorry if my little remarks got you in trouble and off site b y Dave. Wonder if he or his friends will write something about it on Dave's site and who is going to be the chosen victim of bullying now. I was kind of neutral in this at the outset, just asking for fair play and free press, adult behavior and manners and this is the outcome. Oops!

  24. To be fair, Dave put the Olga link right up top where everyone can see it. It could have been buried in the sidebar with the senior fraud hotline. I am certain that more people will get to this blog through the "Olga Sez" button on the Dave blog than from anyplace else. I did. BTW, any registered user can repost for Olga, not just Dave. I believe Mr. Karpf is a registered user on the Dave blog, he can repost for Olga if he wants to. There is no information control, no conspiracy to silence The Voice of Olga. I am reading it now.

  25. Regarding the book I am writing on condo living, the two blogs are providing much more grist for the mill. Thank you and please keep it up. The royalties should carry me through my old age and maybe leave a little left over for my kids. Are there any other issues on which we can tear each other apart?

  26. I look foward to that book.

  27. Why would this have been in the senior fraud area? Now you see, that is exactly the kind of statement that is simply irritating, destructive rather than constructive. As far as grist for the mill, check Olga's postings written in rational and grammatically correct language versus the generally savage and/orbiting one and two liners on Dave's blog.Lanny, you have added nothing positive to this discussion, just a note of sarcasm. You seem to be a knowledgeable person so why not act towards being an impartial mediator rather than simply another instigator. Otherwise, you are simply adding to the grist for that "book" you are writing. And don't think many others could be writing that same book from a different viewpoint.

    1. I'm not writing a book, Esther. I was only joking. What I wrote was satirical, if you will, and about BOTH blogs. "Condo wars" are a well-known thing, and sometimes I think it does us good to sit back from the fray and see the humor in it all. My brother, who lives up north, like many other non-condo folk, gets a big kick out of hearing of some of the goings-on. Part of what makes it seem so funny is that we take it all so SERIOUSLY.

  28. Olga, there was an agreement signed for the money to come back to us and then a change in presidents. The agreement was scrapped and you and Myron had your moment of fame and cost the Village a bundle.

    1. The money came back to the residents in the form of lower payments to WPRF.
      I repeat, get your facts straight.

    2. You just said it, Olga. The money came back. It doesn't matter how it came back. The payments were lower until we were paid back in full. Of course you and Myron still cost the Village and each of us our portion of the $700,000.

    3. I will say this for the last time, After this I will ignore your ignorance completely.
      The residents only received money because there WAS a lawsuit. Mary levy had no intentions of giving any money back to the residents.
      Now I suggest you keep your mouth shut and move on. You are becoming a tiresome bore.

  29. Lanny, it is quite clear that your book is imaginary but if you read your comments carefully, you will see that quite a few are not helpful in trying to calm this roiling lake of ours. Why don't you use your obvious skills in trying to mediate? And yes, some of this is so ridiculous that it is funny but in a way quite sad. It is also serious in the sense that much money is alleged to be involved - actually , is involved, since we know much was spent and many people have issues with how it was spent and it is also serious when the homes and financial security of the Village is at stake. Glad your brother laughs; we laugh too at times, but more often than not if you peel back some of the garbage on top you will see that there are important issues. People have more to do with their life than file suits and demand answers to questions but they do have the right to expect answers. It is wonderful that many people volunteer for public service, but that act of volunteering also means that one is serving the people, not lording it over the people, exempt from answering questions. Even presidents of the United States have been called in front of Congress to answer questions so why not Dave and other members of the Village government? When there is no oversight we arrive at the point where we sign a Millenium agreement which is just awful for the Village. People simply want to make sure that this does not happen again. And by the way, I know that presidents of associations signed off on that agreement, but I also heard that there was much intimidation and many threats. Hearsay? Possibly, but definitely true in that we were royally screwed in this agreement so why not be doubly careful that any other big doings in the Village have the proper questions and answers in a proper setting. Think about it.

    1. Here is a serious suggestion for the Olga Sez blog. Wouldn't it help to have the latest posts and comments at the top? As it is, we have to scroll down past the stuff we have already read to get at the latest. As time goes on, we'll have to scroll down further and further, I should think.

      I don't see myself in the role of a mediator, Esther. I have opinions, and sometimes they go one way, sometimes the other, and sometimes down the middle. Sometimes I'm serious, sometimes not, and sometimes half and half. I'm sorry if you don't like what you get, but I'll think on what you've told me.

  30. Hey, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. That is part of life. I just think that sometimes we should think before we go public - not necessarily you, but all of us.Glad you will think about it and do you think there is any way that we can get a civil discussion between opposing factors here or will it dissolve into a screaming or insulting
    match before long? And I do agree with you - somehow the list needs to be shortened so the comments are reached in a quicker manner, I am encouraged though by this civil discussion we are having. There is hope yet!

  31. Esther, I like the format used on Dave's blog, where the most recent posts are on top, so you come to them first. Comments on a post should be subcategories to that post, which I guess they already are now on this blog. HOW one arranges this, I don't know. I don't have much computer expertise.

  32. I also like threads and most recent first but I am as ignorant of the process as you say you are.Perhaps there could be a separate listing for comments that one could click on, but that, I guess, depends on the sys op of this blog. I do like this blog though as comment can be freely given and a normal discussion can be had.I would like to thank Olga and Gary for this blog and their efforts and it would be great if this site could be publicized somehow, more than the statement now buried in Dave's blog. Perhaps an announcement in the UCO paper since this is relevant to the good and welfare of the Village.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. So glad to see you are back online. Hope we can get some intelligent and reasonable non poisonous conversation going on.

  35. The Blog Master is working on putting the latest threads first as you have suggested.
    The blog is in it's infancy. We are taking baby steps and hope to be walking soon.
    Reasonable and non poisonous is also nice.
    We hope to advertise soon and hopefully we can attract people who have something of value to offer.

  36. Thanks for the info, Olga and Gary. Will keep checking back. Cannot comment on the other blog as it continues to spew the bile and venom it purportedly says it doesn't have. Sad, very sad.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
