Saturday, August 17, 2013

Delegates Vote your wishes?

I know that many of  the Condos have 2 delegates (some have one) at the delegates meeting that vote the wishes of their unit owners. Oh yeah, when was the last time your delegates asked for your opinion on an upcoming vote? Were you asked about the term limit vote? Have you been asked about the upcoming residence bylaw change? (Which by the way doesn’t seem like a change at all?). As unit holders you are entitled to a vote-able opinion, lets hear it, don’t give it up!

St. George


  1. A friend of the malcontentsAugust 17, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    I have personally known of delegates who poled their residents on a particular vote and then went on to vote whomever they choose. The only solution to this problem is to give ALL residents the right to vote. The way it stands now, Century Village is a joke as far as democracy goes and we will continue to be so as long as baldhead is in power.

  2. "All Condos" do not have two voting delegates, Most have only one. It depends on the size of the Association. Representation works out to about one delegate per twenty-four units.

    My Delegate informally polls the unit owners on major issues, as much as is practicable. Some unit owners don't care, or are unreachable for most of the year, or are nuts.

    In my twenty-four unit building, five are directors, another six or seven give a damn- so maybe half are polled.
