Monday, October 7, 2013


I guess the gloves are off with the posting by Mollie on the other blog. In a way, we, who oppose Dave and minions, can feel pride in our efforts. We have raised the awareness of our fellow Village residents, we have encouraged people to join us in restoring financial health and positive thinking for a better future here in our home,  and have shined the light on the shenanigans of our present administration along with an appreciation for those in the administration who have done their jobs and fulfilled their responsibilities in an often hostile environment.

      So now our reward, our signal that we have poked holes on Dave's balloon. I quote - "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to take over is for the good people to do nothing." Despite the misquoting of the original statement, the message is clear. There are two sides in the Village now - good and evil, and evidently, Mollie has consigned the opponents of Dave to the evil side. Well, I have been called names before, but never evil. It is actually kind of amusing and encouraging. We are making a difference. Our strength comes from the residents who agree with our facts, arguments and presentations.

 They realize that we have been going down the wrong roads and one debacle after another says ENOUGH! I believe we are good people with positive goals, but I will not stoop to calling our opponents evil. Really, Mollie. Don't you think you have gone a bit too far, jumped the shark, as they say in the entertainment world?

       But wait, there's more. (Love that advertisement) They need to get their thoughts and facts straight.  We are a  "disruptive" minority who seems to be able to obtain a clear majority amongst the delegates when the budget was voted down. Well, that was an overwhelming majority, so now who is the disruptive minority. People are tired of hearing the same lies and evasions and have seen thru them. The BUDGET was voted down , not a line item for Wi-Fi. The witch hunt disguised as a by law amendment was overwhelmingly voted down. So who is disruptive, Mollie? Please take a look in the mirror.

       Snowbirds, you have been called into action. Apparently you are to come down in droves now, because your master and his servant have called upon you to do so. I find that highly insulting and disrespectful. You are always welcome here. This is your home whenever you come down and you have value as you add to our Village, not because you are supposed to try to pull a sneak attack on Dave's opponents, you know, the "evil" ones. Talk about Newspeak! Please read the next posting about the Wi-Fi and get the true story. Thank you and when you come down, let me know, invite me to your clubs and associations and I will show you a president who actually cares about you and your concerns, a president who will be there, out and about, not hiding behind a closed door. VOTE ESTHER.

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