Monday, October 7, 2013



Mollie Marshall is beginning to crawl out from under her cocoon. It may be because her husband Bob wants to run for Vice President of UCO.

It would be better for all the residents if the couple would crawl back into their wormy holes and never set foot in UCO again.   For one thing, Mollie is, as was so aptly pointed out, a liar. For one thing, she said we can have Wi-Fi installed and available for $3.00 per month; not true Mollie. $3.00 is only the beginning we do not know how much the final cost will be. Secondly, she states our bylaws mandate that we accept the Budget in October every year; another lie, Mollie. The bylaws intentions are to vote yea or nay on the budget in October. Thirdly, she wants the delegates to attend the meeting and vote for what they want. Are you deaf, Mollie? The delegates already told you what they want; they don’t want Wi-Fi now.   Try taking Wi-Fi out of the budget and maybe they will pass it.  

Now, let’s get back to her somnambulistic husband Bob who wants to be Vice President. The same Bob Marshall who when he was President of UCO signed a secret agreement to give two thirds of our WPRF dues to Mark Levy to hold in the event the Clubhouse became unavailable due to a hurricane. What’s the matter Bob? Didn’t you think UCO was capable of holding our money and earning interest? You were so quick to give away the store and now you have the audacity to run for Vice President. It’s time for you to find another place for you to take your naps. When Esther Sutofsky is President the UCO building will be off limits to sleepy heads. Because that is all you do at the meetings; you lower your head and doze off. Better quit while you’re ahead Bob. Don’t make a fool of yourself and try to make a run for office. Better make a run back to bed instead.



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