Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Great Mahatma speaks

Unbelievable, but quite to be expected

The Great Mahatma ** Full Definition of MAHATMA 1 : a person to be revered for high-mindedness, wisdom, and selflessness 2 : a person of great prestige in a field of endeavor  ...held a Wi-Fi instructional meeting last Friday and only the Wi-Fi committee and the bid committee were seated. It was held in the UCO conference room with a max of 25 people allowed. This meant that after the committees came in the room was full. Besides being like preaching to the Choir, after all these committees have heard all this before and voted it down, the great M decided to do it again. Of course leaving out any other interested persons is of no matter.... Dumb

Vote for Esther and this Stupidity and Nonsense will stop.



  1. Dear Lanny,

    I have some questions for you:

    1, How do you feel about having a Wi-Fi meeting and not having the room to allow interested parties to attend?

    2. Do you believe David Israel is a good president?

    3. Are you in agreement with everything he does?

    4. Is there anything that he has done that you disagree with?

    5. Has he saved the village any money during his administration

    6. What has he done to benefit the village?

    7. Has he done any damage to the village?

    1. Hi Olga,
      Fortunately I happened to see your questions to me appearing in the Comment portion of this post. I tried to send you a reply this afternoon, but the blog wouldn't accept it, I think because of a limit on the number of characters your blog allows for a comment. I could e-mail it to you if I knew your e-mail address, and then perhaps you could put it on the blog. It runs 819 words, but bear in mind I am trying to respond to seven questions.

    2. Lanny, either put your comment in 2 parts or email it to me
