Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dirty, Secretive, Underhanded, Vile and Surripticious to boot!

The Cloud under Lock & Key , Cripes how about CV under lock and key. The key held by our own DI! (That's not Drill Instructor)

If there is a dirty, secretive, underhanded way of conducting one’s self, David Israel knows them all.  He is smart and very shrewd because he is expert in getting all of his knaves to carry out all of the wicked capers he conjures up almost daily. 
Just how lousy a person can he become?  He takes full and absolute control (absolute control corrupts absolutely-Gary) of The UCO Reporter and informs, or instructs the UCO Reporter Co-Editors to deny it.  The UCO/WPRF agreement, regarding the use of the Clubhouse facilities, is all of a sudden “lost”.   Perhaps he scanned this document into the cloud, and he keeps the cloud information under lock and key.  This information should be easily available; it certainly should not be lost.  Ask Israel, and he’ll tell you to talk to WPRF.  Ask WPRF and their on-site administrator will tell you to talk to UCO.  Then, the ball bounces to WPRF’s attorneys who suddenly become evasive.   

Ask Israel if you can post a response on his very private blog and he will have one of his knaves tell you that you must be a member of their secret Israel club.  Ask to become a member and you will be immediately denied, or in one recent case, they’ll get back to you, but they never do. 

People running a campaign used to be able to use the public pool areas such as the Kent and Camden pools.  But wait, -- Israel gave the order to Eva, -- NO, tell them you can’t have a gathering at any pool area for political purposes.  The final orders come from Israel.

Another direct order from Israel to Eva and then to the various CV Clubs is to prohibit any candidate for office to express his or her views that may enlighten a club member about the qualities of a certain candidate.  Fail to comply and the next thing you know your club meeting place is no longer available.  This is just another sneaky way the Israel campaign works.  Israel believes he is being baited but in reality he will never respond to anything because he is deathly afraid to deny the truth in writing.

Inasmuch as Israel’s chief puppeteer, Black-Ball controls Channel 63, -- here again instructions come from the secret agent to control everything that will appear on the CV public channel. 

Israel dictates all of the functions that will be allowed in both clubhouses.  He, in turn, secretly instructs WPRF’s administrator what can happen and what can’t happen because we rent the clubhouses, and UCO, -- Israel -- can dictate what can and cannot happen on the premises.  It gets worse, -- you can’t even discuss political matters outside the clubhouses unless you’re so many feet from the entrance doors and in the case of the main clubhouse, OFF the island completely.  You see, Israel, while controlling or over-riding his officers, can get WPRF’s administrator replaced if she doesn’t conform to his demands. 

Let’s face it, Israel has shut down, unless it is for his own personal purposes, all forms of communications, and his few ill-informed followers don’t seem to have any problems with how Israel conducts himself.  It simply goes to show you who you’re really dealing with, -- the people wearing blinders that couldn’t find their ass with two hands. 

So, where does one go when everything is locked down and controlled by the president?  You go to people who have an understanding of your plight and have a sincere desire to assist in getting rid of injustices.  A person could not express himself or herself in Nazi Germany also, and that is one of the reasons why Hitler was elected as Chancellor.  It was suppression of human rights, and Israel appears to believe that he can get away with it, similar to nighttime manipulation and unauthorized use of CV’s money. 

Don’t you get it?  PEOPLE DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING unless it affects their own pocketbooks, or they prefer to freely join a pack of wolves, i.e. to act as a gang; standing out there alone and they run like hell and hide behind locked doors.   

Nothing political is to take place at Delegates’ meetings, an order given by Israel to WPRF.  Yet political literature is given out at these meetings and politicians are allowed to speak, especially at election time.  But, stand up to make a political statement involving CV/UCO matters and you’ll be told that you’re “out of order”, and if you persist, -- the armed guards hired by the president, USING YOUR MONEY, will be summoned to shut you down or “escort” you out of the auditorium.  All that is needed now by Israel and his clan is arm bands and storm trooper boots. 

Try to add it all up and what have you got, but 7 or 8 die-hard Israel lappers who have nothing more productive to think about than someone hanging a banner off of CV or WPRF property.  What is done on private property is none of their freaking business, yet they, as a gang, criticize up and down crying “foul.”  One jerk mentions IRS; another sets sights on religious property and uses selective words coming up to borderline prejudices.  Do these morons really want to criticize a synagogue?  They’ve got to blame someone, so their easiest target is a former UCO president and member of the synagogue.
These few anti’s would like to think that all of Israel’s antics are permissible.  Everyone else’s ideas can be criticized on their private Israel blog.  Their feelings expressed in writing are the reasons why so many people outside the Village hate CV and its’ inhabitants. 

That banner put up outside the Village should be taken down.  Another banner, twice its size, should be put up. 

Find the keys, Vote for Esther, Vote for Term Limits. Let's get our Democracy back!!



  1. You paint an awful picture of what a dictator is capable of doing, and it makes me rather apprehensive of things to come. Perhaps this president of UCO ought to be visited by three ghosts.

    1. Are you kidding?-----he would scare the ghosts to death.

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