Sunday, November 3, 2013


Bully Boy is back and aggravating all of us!    

All of you out there that survived the Holocaust, the gulags, life in Eastern Europe under Communism, protested during the 60's and 70's or even more recent times, for whatever reason, or know somebody who did - think carefully. I know that I am very uncomfortable with an armed guard there, intimidating, as I stand to give an opinion. Evidently somebody died and appointed Dave Israel the arbiter of human rights and the interpretation of the Constitution here in CV for it evidently is  not the same as the rest of the USA outside our gates. Perhaps Dave read Mein Kampf or perhaps it was Das Kapital for his guide to running a government but Dave, it does not hold water here.

Your bullying tactics will not prevail no matter how you try to gloss over it. I have been at the last three delegate assemblies and various committee meetings and there has been no one threatening violence except for you and your paid guards and no one acting out of turn or yelling, simply standing patiently, awaiting their turn to voice their opinion.

The only one who abused that is YOU when you tried to shut down Dorothy, the best Treasurer we have had in a long time and who is honest, not frittering our money to G-d knows where like you and Ed. So your dumb excuses for the guards as stated by Mollie Marshall who wandered all over the place going back years and even to somewhere else do  not stand . Mollie, do yourself a favor and just stick to banging that little gavel. All we are concerned about here is what goes on in our Village. We will let someone else worry about Brown University for now. In fact, why don't you go there and take on the issue?

As for you, Nutjob, there you go spewing forth hate and garbage from your mouth. You need a taste of soap and Dave needs to fess up that he encourages violations of civil rights as well as encouraging bias speech, never mind all the lies. I have an activity for you - take a long walk off a short pier and perhaps the water will cleanse your mind and mouth.

I must say, Dave, that this is the lowest point that I have seen so far. Perhaps the NSA attitude that is causing so much trouble now all over the world has stuck too much to you, wherever you state that you worked - analysis or mailroom. Come back to American values for which so many of our residents have fought in so many wars. Do not make a mockery of it by trying to frighten people into shutting up. And pay up the $400 you spent of OUR MONEY for these deputies.


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