Thursday, March 6, 2014


Well. D-Day is almost upon us, decisions are made, and we know that we have done a good job. We started out with the intention of working to make this Village, our home, a better place - now and in the future. It was a tough fight, denied venues of speaking, working against a well oiled political machine, but we did it.

     Thanks to the hard work and dedication of so many people, the best wishes and donations that came in, the offers of help, we continuously tried our best and we know that tomorrow we - and the Village - shall prove triumphant. If you are a delegate, please make sure to vote for Esther and team. To our supporters, come join us at the polling place tomorrow morning.

     We extend an open invitation to ALL Village residents who have the interests of the Village at heart, to step forward and join us. Lend your skills to the Village as we work to shine it up, to make it the best we can. Drop an email to UCO after the elections and let us know what your interests are. Whatever the hours, whatever the months - WE NEED YOU.

     To all of those who worked so hard on this campaign - I cannot thank you enough. This is not the place to name names as I will inevitably leave out someone and inevitably some people who still haven't learned will come up with nasty things to say about you. To all you guys - YOU ARE THE BEST AND I LOVE YOU ALL.



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  2. An ardent supporterMarch 6, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    Thank you Esther for stepping into the arena and taking on the BULL, David Israel..
    You can sleep tonight knowing you put up a hell of a fight.
    Good Luck tomorrow!
