Thursday, March 6, 2014

David Israel and his supporters are drowning in their own slime.  They are desperately making a last-ditch effort to fool the residents by evading the truth and printing more lies. Don’t be fooled by them. David Israel’s tenure has not been constructive for the village. His power and vindictiveness have put us on a course of endless chaos but Esther Sutofsky, and her team will bring us back to sanity.  David Israel is like Captain Queeg in THE CAINE MUTINY who preferred to sink the ship rather than admit he was steering the ship to destruction.
It is imperative that you vote for Esther’s team. It is the only way to get rid of the dead wood. The biggest of the dead wood is Bob Marshall, who   falls asleep at meetings and only comes to life for a few seconds to cast his vote for anything David Wants. This is NOT the person you want to represent you.  He is the person who signed a secret agreement with Mark Levy, which gave Levy two-thirds of your WPRF dues while the Clubhouse was being rebuilt.  Mark levy was allowed to use your money to pay for extras, which cost THE RESIDENTS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

  If Bob Marshall did not sign this *secret agreement, Mark Levy would have been responsible for restoring the clubhouse without any additional cost to us. BOB MARSHALL SCAMMED THE RESIDENTS AND SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SERVE THEN AGAIN.
*A copy of this agreement was posted on this blog and distributed at the messenger Club meeting.


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