Friday, August 22, 2014

From the President of Chatham D

This is a copy of a letter to the UCO Reporter from George Pittell President of Chatham D.

Here you will note his apparently open mind.

Not so, he still is for the Village wide system. Israel's baby. No matter that there are many, many residents that have no need for expensive Wi-Fi. There are many residents that don't have a Computer, don't have a smartphone, don't even have a Ipad. Don't know or care what Wi-Fi is.

Why don't he pole Chathan D and see where he actually stands.

I think the better way to go is smaller. The Association way. The price is sensible. The addition charge for an Association unit owner can be as little as $5 per month

What I ask is this.

Can the Village wide system be done at a price that is reasonable and not back breaking?

Do you think the $1 million plus price, that could creep up to say $2 million or more is a reasonable expense and is it fair to impose this on Residents that don't want it?

The better way to go is via Association Wi-Fi where the Association member can voice their concerns. A large association can be wi-fi'd for probably less than $2000 with a monthly costs of $120 per month.

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