Sunday, August 9, 2015

Bits and Pieces

No Smoking anywhere in our Building.
It seems as if a Condo Association has passed a rule that there is to be No Smoking in the building. However the unit Holders will not follow this rules. Surprise, suprise!

CAM Resigns.
The rumor has it. Ted Herrie, our CAM, has resigned. He reported directly to St.Israel. Could that be the reason?

Delegate Timer
The DA Timer could show a little compassion when ringing the timer bell. If we all see a CV Citizen reading a prepared script and is having trouble we can all wait for him to finish!

Bus Schedules
The plea, by a regular bus rider should not be ignored. This resident read a complaint that the Bus Committee's constant changing and fiddling with the bus schedules was making things worse.

Even the President agrees. The fiddling is being done by the Bus Committee. The fiddling which changes the schedule of buses is unsettling and sometimes makes it worse. Sometimes the bus is overloaded. Sometime it is not.  It forces riders to figure out when the regular bus is coming. It forces the regular Bus Riders to constantly be on the lookout for changes to their regular bus.

This should stop!

Road Stripping
The UCO by laws are quite clear. All expenses, all contracts over $1000 must be voted on by the Delegate Assembly. So why not the road lane painting This contract ran over $10,000? The chair of the Committee did not seem to understand the by-law. Contracts over $1000 must be approved by the Delegate Assembly.

Is this another sign of the arrogance and boorish behavior of the UCO administration?

We voted, that is the Delegate Assembly voted, to give Kent Security a 60 day notice of contract termination. This was done because they did not live up to the terms of their Security contract. Even after repeated reminders of this, they still ignored all our request for proper action.

I agree with this


  1. Gary With regards to the 1st item...I would strongly suggest u attend the Trans. Meeting, on the 1st Tues of each month, unless otherwise stated..U will find the majority of member's are riders, (6 to 4) when changes have occured, it is to accomodate rider's requests ( for the most part) This "Legally Blinded" individual who incidently can manage to read Agenda's ( others can attest to this as well) will never be satisfied...We are NOT assisted living and cannot offer "Chauffeur" service.
    If that's ones desire, they ought to hire someone to do so, or move. We exceed the legal requirements of outside transportation...Our internal service is exceptional. Yes, we do have a "Summer" schedule" which will be replaced as the "Snow Birds" return, I believe both the chair, over see & committee act in a "Fair" fashion & always for " Excursion trips, those that partake should fund it...

  2. I guess Bettie's entitled to her opinion as well.
    Thank you Gary for printing all sides to an argument.

    1. My opinion? based on my knowledge of the "absurd" requests eminating from some of our resident's mouths ...May I ask Y U choose to post as "Anonymous?" fearfull of repercusions?

    2. Yes, I choose to because I volunteer at UCO and do not want to become one of people who are told, "YOU'RE FIRED."

    3. And isn't that a sad commentary!
      We should hang this statement on a banner outside UCO.

    4. Anonymous, understand full well... I won''t go into my history with UCO,or the reporter...Good Luck!
      Esther, not only 2102, but the Reporter as well (LOL)

  3. I too heard that our CAM, had resigned...perhaps he got a "Better Offer"? with less stress associated with his position here? As for any Bd of any Assoc. voting to make their bldg. "Smoke Free", or for that matter any other changes, unless they have 51% they cannot make any changes, and if it does become "Law" traditionally, those that have lived there prior to, are "Grandfathered" in...
