Thursday, October 3, 2013


     I never met Bob Rivera before today, though I had seen him prior to today at various meetings, along with his PTSD dog. I knew from his blog postings that he had a vicious tongue at times but basically ignored it; however, today I must answer the stupidities and the blatant errors he posted on his blog, that nobody reads, and hopefully he will be on a better path.
     Sent to be a Trojan horse at today's club meeting, which by the way was okayed by WPRF and where he was most assuredly unwelcome by almost everyone as he intruded with his camera, he obviously needs a hearing dog as well. Bob, I bought here in June, 1998 and moved here in June ,2003. In any math you use, that is ten years permanently down here Not two, although I must say that for two years living here you have some strong opinions.
     I would not call my years down here doing nothing. I have taught monthly classes in the synagogue, been a guest lecturer, been active in my condo association, given lessons on the Holocaust to a home schooling network, including their college students home on break and their parents. I have worked on other things but quite frankly, it is none of your business.
     What I have done is look and listen and learn. Observing the ruination of so many of the finer points of the Village, including a government that once functioned as it should and can do so again, by the way, I realized that I could and should make a difference. So I began to read and comment and Dave did not like that so he banned me from his blog and then sent me an email that he was going to sue me. I felt honored in joining a classy group who had been the recipients of threats by Dave.
Dave may have started out with good intentions, but it appears that he has been caught up in his own self importance and in protecting his ego. What HE wants is what must be done. No free speech, no freedom of press, and in effect - taxation without representation. Seriously, Bob, you suffered PTSD when you fought to retain these rights. Gated community or not, we live in the United States and I do not remember signing away my rights when I bought and moved down. Did you?
     Dave seems to feel that he has the only working brain and set of good ideas here in the Village. Well, let me clue you in. We have a wealth of fine thinking people and many of them were at the club meeting this morning. Caring and concerned. Thinking and evaluating. And guess what? Despite the urging of Dave to disrupt and the forecast of people getting up and leaving - hey, people stayed, and clapped, and aired their concerns. No one was told you had better not or else. No one tried to shut them up. I even gave you the mike when I KNEW you would try to start trouble, but hey, that did not go so well for you.
This is already so long that I will have to write another posting about the wifi and Dave's pushing thru of things only he really wants and how he terrorizes delegates into voting for him. Well, guess what? We are going to try our darndest to make sure the delegates vote the wishes of the associations as it should be and not thru fright. See, if everyone does his or her job, we can have our beautiful paradise back. We can have committees that function. We can have open government. YES!  WE CAN HAVE IT ALL.

Stay tuned for more. And by the way, Bob, you are invited to talk with me one on one if you care to and come with an open mind.


  1. Just so you know, no one told me to go to that so-called public meeting that became a private meeting according to Your "friends". I went as a photographer for the Reporter as well as an on owner. No one in UCO asked me to go, they didn't even know about it until I told them. So much for that theory.
    As for meeting with you one on one, I welcome it. Stop by the reporter, I'd happy to discuss the various subjects concerning CV, and where you actually do some good.

  2. I just want to congratulate you Bob on your loss of PTSD or whatever your problem was. It is nice to know you no longer need a fake service dog, or a real one either. You even managed to take pictures and videos all by yourself and Sadie didn't even need to open and set up your tripod for you. Miraculous!
