Monday, October 19, 2015

Absolute Power until March 2016

Talk about misuse of power! Talk about lack of knowledge! Talk about power corrupts absolutely! Is this what we need? Is this what we want as our leader? I think not!!

Read below and weep.

You need to read and think again, David. Article VIII Section A clearly states that the President along with the Officer's Committee appoints the chairs but NOWHERE does it say that he populates the committees. As usual, this is your crooked and twisted way of doing things. Why you do this I do not know as this will be promulgated in the blog and spread throughout the entire Village and written in the CV Messenger. Once again, you are caught with your pants down, horrible as that image is.
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 13:54:23 -0400
Subject: Appointment to Insurance Committee
Mrs. Esther Sutofsky,

It is with deep regret that I advise you that your appointment to the Insurance Committee is herewith reversed.

You are of course aware, that the President of UCO populates Committees. as clearly stated in the UCO Bylaws.

Ms. Salometo, Chair of the Insurance Committee, appointed you without prior consultation with, or consent of the President of UCO.

Dave Israel
United Civic Organization

1 comment:

  1. The chairs of these committees,in this case Toni, should stand up to David and insist that they choose their members as is their right. If they would all do that we would not have the monolithic UCO that we have now.
