Monday, February 29, 2016

Paving Scandal #7C


Read Eduardo’s SCANDALS articles on My Village Blogger and you’ll have a pretty good preamble as to what I have to say.

PAVING, PAVING, PAVING.  That is discussed repeatedly, and it should be.  Why?

Because well over five million dollars of OUR money was used to perform this work.  And, since they now took all of the monies and mingled them into a single account, they can use whatever amounts they want without accountability. 

They, Israel, and his back-room button pusher Black draw down from that mishmash single account and hire contractors to make repairs.  Repairs everywhere without any of the Delegates knowing what is going on.  So, when engineers are eventually called in to assess the condition of the roadways parking areas and sidewalks, they’ll have to say that everything is in fairly good condition.  Trickery and fraud right before your very eyes.  Instead of spending $5,350,000, it will be closer to $6,000,000, and the need for repairs will become more constant.

Be prepared for another con job.  Israel and Black will conjure up a sneaky plan to sell you more paving.  Only this time, a good deal of the existing paving will have to be removed in order to cope with severe drainage conditions that were never addressed the first time the work was done.

Well, what happened?  Why are the roadways, parking areas and walkways deteriorating prematurely?  I was there every day that the work was being performed – voluntarily – and as a Registered Architect (Ret., Florida License #6796), I can tell you what I observed.  Because there are literally hundreds of omissions and deficiencies in the work and how it was conducted.

If you consult with any professional who knows anything at all about paving, you will find that there may be strong suspicion of money changing hands because there were no controls set in place to prevent it from happening.  Who was ultimately responsible?  Israel, of course, the UCO President was totally and absolutely responsible, and Israel used Black to con everyone into believing that what they were doing was correct.  Israel knew, or he should have known, how to handle a job like this with a complex scope of work, and he wouldn’t accept anything anyone had to say.  Would you allow a cafeteria worker to do the accounting for General Motors?  This is not like Israel saying something like “So, I  made a mistake.”  This is not a $500 job or a $5,000 job or even a $500,000 job, we are talking about well over $5 million and counting.  It’s criminal to think that “It’s done with, so forget about it.”  You have to wonder – “Are they going to do the same thing again?”  And, the additional work of scarifying, milling and striating and provisions for positive draining, will eat up a good additional million dollars.

I had offered my professional services to Israel, pro bono, and he said that he would get back to me.  He never did? Why?  I would interfere with his egotistical agenda and Black’s schemes.  Huddled in a corner one day were Frank Cornish, Dom Guarnagia and Roger Carver (the UCO CAM when this project was under way) in a heavy conversation about the ongoing paving job.  I listened intently and then offered some constructive criticism to some major problems. They were working for Israel, and what I had to say went in one ear and out the other.

Where I come from, a President doing what Israel did would be immediately fired and the entire matter investigated by the Attorney General’s office for possible indictments.



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