Thursday, March 3, 2016

From the Desk of Myron Solomon

On Dave Israel's Blog Ed Black is a real Doer.

That's right. He did help spend about 10 Million Dollars the last time he was Vice President of UCO to rebuild the Clubhouse. There was a lawsuit to recover that money and only 3 million dollars were recovered by the Residents thru UCO.

He was some Doer!

By the way, that money spent didn't include the Theater which was built by the next administration when he was a VP.

He was a real Doer! When he was Treasurer of UCO when the Paving job on the Roads was done. He knew the Reserve fund had only @3,300,000 in it and the job was going to cost about $5,000,000. Yet Ed Black, Dave Israel and Roger Carver went full speed ahead even though the Engineers Report recommended that the job could be done in 2 parts over 3 years.

The three people mentioned said it cost $1,000,000 to remobilize the equipment  if we did it in 2 parts. Big Lie.

So, Ed Black emptied out all of the Reserve accounts and all the CD's to help pay for a disgusting job that is cracking all over the Village

What a Doer!

Don't Vote for Ed Black. Don't vote for Dave Israel and the Second Team. Vote for Phyllis and the First Team.

And next comes Joy Vestal another great one of Dave Israel's Candidates.

Try to put an article in the Reporter that is contrary to anything that the Administration says and you are Dead in the Water.

Try to answer anything written about you that is untrue. There is no chance you could put a rebuttal in the Paper.

These are a couple of the wonderful Candidates. Definitely do not Vote for them!!

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