Budgeting. It has recently been written by a member of Dave's administration, that the rob Peter to pay Paul system is just fine. After all, that is how we all budgeted in our lives. Huh! My parents, may they rest in peace, are turning over in their graves. I bet we were all taught the same way. Allocate your money carefully to your needs and musts. Separate the money, using envelopes or accounts and keep meticulous records. Plan for the future carefully with thought and investigation as to the best way to go about whatever it is that is being planned for. And that is what we did, leaving the envelopes behind and going to accounts and guess what? We still do that. An account for savings, a checking account, an account for future wishes, and an OS account - OH, S_____ account for the unexpected and expensive disaster that needs to be taken care of. This system has served us well and it is the basic budgeting system that responsible institutions use with proper modifications for their needs.
Roughly, we can combine smaller accounts that are related to each other, fund the reserves for big ticket items that we know are going to recur, use those funds carefully and ONLY for what they have been designated. When a fund is filled, figure what to do with the money allocated for it every month - cancel it, return to associations, turn its path into another reserve that needs funding, use it to cover yet another raise from UCO and the list and the possibilities go on. How to make a decision? Simple - think and plan, ask for input, not only from administration but also from the residents. Open the lines of communication with our residents and hear them. All this can and will be done after careful study of what we have, where it has been going - the true state of affairs and that will only be able to take place once a new administration is installed, for then all information will be open to them.
Want a cleaner fiscal state of being/ a healthy budget?
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