Monday, February 17, 2014


     Have you ever tried to figure people out? Just when you think you have it down pat - Boom! there they go and mix you all up again.  Trying to figure  people out all my life, I still have a ways to go but it is certainly an exciting path of discovery.

      People  often  turn away from that which actually would be good for them and choose or return to the negative.. A prime example is this campaign. On one side stands me and my slate. We stand for unity, for bringing back a united Village, willing and wanting to work for our home, wanting it to be the best we can make it. We welcome all who share that dream and desire and we have an amazing group of people from all sides of many issues who stand with us. Many of these people have been or are in UCO administration which certainly says a lot.

     On the other hand, we have the slate of David Israel, introduced with nasty remarks about an opposing slate amongst whom he listed a gentleman not even on any published list as of now. Why was that nastiness displayed? Was there any reason for it? Why could we not just have introduced our slates with compliments to them rather than have dirt flung at opponents. But David Israel did it his way and so we have no choice but to respond in kind if we must.

     What amazes me is the fact that people who have been on the receiving end of David Israel's mouth and nasty comments continue to follow him like lemmings. Granted, they are the same lemmings who are always blathering on his blog, but why would a bright woman with a great interest in the Village follow and support someone who called her nasty names on many an occasion? "The whore of Babylon"? Really? Are we gluttons for punishment that we do this to ourselves?

     Delegates, David Israel has written on his private blog masquerading as the Village blog that you get the administration you deserve. He is correct, 100%. So what is the administration, the UCO, that you want for all of us? Do you wish to have a continued nasty and cold UCO where power and private deals reign supreme, where the resident is looked upon as a bother, or do you wish to have a UCO where residents are welcome because THEY ARE UCO! My administration comes in clean, no deals and no promises other than to appoint the best people for the job and to join together with you so  all of US can do what we must to bring the sparkle back to the Village, to bring the friendship back to the people, to bring disagreement back to a civilized level so that we all understand that we all want the same thing - a Village based on financial stability, moral ,ethical and legal principles, bylaws and actions and where no one is above the rules.

    Join us on Feb 21, Feb 26, march 2 and March 7 and talk with us, ask questions and then vote for the best team. If you are satisfied with what we have had for the past four years, well, that is your right to feel any way you want to, but if you are dissatisfied with the road mess, the looming wifi repetition equivalent to that of the roads, to a UCO where NOTHING EVER GETS DONE - no new bylaws, no new attorney , just talk, talk, talk - then Vote Esther and slate.

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