Thursday, March 6, 2014


    So instead of answering a plea for grown up talk, the David Israel administration has responded with more of their garbage and trash talk. Their skill at twisting language, reversing history and putting their words in the mouths of others is unbelievable. His spokesmen ought to be ashamed of themselves as they spout lie after lie after lie. Let us look at their latest diatribe.

     1, 2, and 3. Once again they spout their garbage about the lawsuit. It is getting quite tiresome to repeatedly throw their lies back in their faces but here it goes again, briefly. I had nothing to do with the lawsuit of the past and accusing me of that has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous and I have as little to do with the filing of the lawsuit as I had to do with the other - and that means NOTHING! ZIP, NADA!! Nor does refusing to get upset at a fact of life, at a reality, indicate anything other than an even temper and an acceptance of reality such as it is. We are handed a card and we deal with it. Screaming "The sky is falling" again and again and refusing to acknowledge why - THE AWFUL ERRORS AND INTENTIONAL ACTS OF MALFEASANCE BY THE DAVID ISRAEL ADMINISTRATION - are the acts of children, temper tantrum throwing children who lie thru their teeth denying they stole the cookies when the crumbs are hanging off their mouths! Calm, calm, and calm is how one should proceed.

      This appears to be the sum total of David Israel's administrative experience and learning curve. His curve has curved back on itself and left us, the Village out. The lack of understanding of what it takes to run a multi million dollar business,how to work with others in seamless cooperation, how to get along with those who disagree, how to mesh other suggestions and opinions with your own - this is all obvious when they make a remark about a few books. All David Israel appeared to do was be a minor functionary who sat by a computer, perhaps a G13 level government worker (being generous here), and analyze Soviet intelligence and how's that work out for us. We were totally behind the curve with what happened inside the USSR and it all caught us by surprise. Good job, David Israel.

     3, 4,7,8.  What crap! What garbage! What outright lies. We have tried to keep quiet about the awful tripe that came from David Israel but enough is enough. You opened the door to this again. David Israel is the one who horrendously raised the issue of  Jewish conspiracies against the Village. David Israel is the one who accused me of being a NAZI. David Israel is the one who took off against his own people. Yes, David Israel, you are a Jew and do not forget that, for others will not. Railing against those whose belief patterns are other than yours is wrong, hateful and dangerous. If I had been anything other than an Orthodox Jew would you have done the same? Would you still have sent out awful emails and planted rumors that I planned a religious revolution here in the Village I have proof of that so cut the crap and stop lying. ALL MY TEAM AND I WANT IS A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE, WITH A PLACE FOR ALL.would you have done the same thing, you who "saved " us after 911. You whom the government needed oh so much. Hey, they even called that sniper back after 911 on that same reserved line. He did wonders, huh!
    All the rest of the numbers: It is simply tiresome the way that David Israel and his team refuse to answer our questions and statements of fact. That is because these statements are all true and all their lies cannot change that reality. Figures do not lie; liars figure on lies. The Comcast contract was under George Lowenstein; it was Dorothy who balanced the budget despite all obstacles placed in her path and it was she who started refunding our designated funds. It was you and Ed Black who wished to mix it all in one fund, perhaps the better to hide future misdeeds? It is others who have initiated projects for which you have taken credit. For example, the water department came to us because they knew they were wrong so David Israel had NOTHING to do with it. This is the way it goes under a David Israel administration.

     As far as the armed guards - how can that possibly have been right? How could you possibly even try to defend that?
 There has NEVER nor will there EVER be any excuse for armed guards at any of our delegate assemblies or any other gathering of UCO here in the Village. The mentality that thinks it was okay to bring them in - and it does not matter PBSO off duty or not - they were still hired and still armed, there for intimidating purposes, not for any other reason. 
     Now let us discuss 911. Lots of people were called back on the reserve program. So was the shooter who killed those people. So no self pride or self aggrandizement ( Too big a word for you, David Israel?) And helping to capture Bin Laden? C'mon! As for myself, I am proud of my actions and deeds on 9/11 and afterward. I had to deal with scared and crying children, with frantic parents, with teachers and other staff who had to be there for the children while worried about their own families and I had to be there for them all, frightened as I was of the new world we were all entering. We all did our put. Pats on the back from oneself means nothing. Enough of "being called back", you and your little go bag.
Anita Buchanan, shame on you for writing this. I had thought you were above all this. I had truly hoped that you had much to contribute in a new administration and towards the Village. I still hope this can be so, but please, having strong beliefs does mean that one cannot see the light and back away from them when they are wrong. The truth is there for all would see it.

     How can one stand by another person whose supporters call those who vote for his opponent STUPID. Yes, stupid. Truly what we need to reunite this Village, right! We do not need to go back to poor and thoughtless ways. We need to go for the truth, the transparent, the honest, the friendly and welcoming  - the brain with the heart.
     I apologize for having to write such a piece again, but David Israel has left me no other way. He cannot keep on being a bully and thinking he has everyone cowed. He cannot keep on denying the truth even as the cooikie crumbs are on his mouth. He cannot keep on believing that his temper tantrums and fits of temper with potty mouth comments will do the trick. Enough! ENOUGH!


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