Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Vote for Esther because...

1.   Despite allegations to the contrary, the “raping of the Reporter” account occurred during the time Mr. Black was your Treasurer.  Where was Mr. Israel?
2.   Mr. Israel – your current President –has denied to me – your current Treasurer – access to “THE CLOUD” wherein he places information that was previously available in hard copy.  And, if he is not elected, he has threatened to destroy valuable UCO and CV documents.
3.   Mr. Israel – your current President – has allowed others in his administration to make accusations against me in that “Ms. Tetro holds ‘secret meetings’ and no minutes are kept.”  That charge was invalidated during the recall hearing.
4.   Now at long last, Mr. Israel has publicly admitted that the roads are not perfect, and yes mistakes were made.  Like a $5 million mistake!
5.   Mr. Israel maintains absolute control over everything; much the same as a dictator.      
          For example:
-        Mr. Israel has instructed our accountant not to speak directly to me the Treasurer.  As a result, another of the charges against me has been proven false.  The accountant informed me – months after having informed Mr. Israel – that such a program would probably cost $35,000 and in addition an unknown monthly licensing fee. 
-        Mr. Israel has instructed the bookkeeper NOT to report to the Treasurer.  Only to him.
-        Mr. Israel has consistently refused to include certain persons on committees regardless of their past experience and knowledge.  He has labelled them as too “controversial” or “difficult” His reasoning is they have “differing opinions and/or difficult or demanding personalities”.  And, in the end, you – the residents of Century Village – are denied the benefits of someone’s expertise and willingness to give of their time and energies. 
6.    It is common knowledge that Mr. Israel relies heavily on the advice and suggestions of our very own “Wizard of Oz”; who, on numerous occasions, has negated decisions made by the officers themselves.  This person occupies one of the offices intended for an elected officer.  Is this common practice in the corporate world?  I would say NO, it is not! 
Mr. Israel, in his 4 years as President, has become overbearing, domineering and autocratic.  We do not need two more years of this form of government; distortions of truth, lies, cover-ups, reckless spending.
On Friday it will be your time to speak, loud and clear!  Vote for a change; for a friendlier UCO -
 Be sure to cast your ballot between 8:00 A.M. and 9:30 P.M. 
Dorothy Tetro

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