Monday, March 3, 2014


     Well, Lanny Howe, David Israel's apologist, and Don HoHo, just keep on blathering despite all the requests to cut the garbage out. Now you have decided that the proper targets are my supporters. Why keep picking on people? Why not address the issues?

 Again and again you and your leader have avoided it. And why? Because you guys appear to have nothing of value to say. Now you totally miss the point of listing the supporters. 5 out of 7 current UCO Officers support me. His former campaign manager supports me. Past UCO officials support me. Opponents of the Golf Course from both sides agree on supporting me and we all get along talking with civility and patience. Why? Because that is the theme we have - UNITY ,CIVILITY, WHAT IS BEST FOR THE VILLAGE. We all put our own egos aside and work together in sync with the goal of improving the Village, improving the quality of life for our residents, for hearing them and doing something about it, even if it is just to explain. UCO cannot hold itself above the residents any longer.

     Give it up, Lanny. Please, you even admit yourself that you are blathering so please, write a story about your travels, even if it is just thru the Village on the perimeter roads. Hey, maybe you can document all the cracks and breaks in the sidewalks and the sand and stones of the deteriorating roads. At least that is interesting and an issue!


  1. Lanny Howe is a pathetic lonely old man who has latched onto David Israel the way a teenager clings to his idol. He harbors the illusion the his David is the best thing that happened to the village. Any reasonable person would know that David has made a shambles of the village and has created a tremendous schism among the residents. This is NOT the quality of a good leader. This IS the quality of a despot.
    I hope the residents wake up Friday and vote David Israel out of office - and hopefully Lanny Howe will go with him.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anon, for the record, my husband passed away 20 years ago and he was not poor.
      More misinformation from the Lanny and David camp.
      When are these dummies going to grow up?

  3. Anon - that was really nasty, whoever you are. Please keep your nastiness to yourself in the future. There was no need for a comment like that.
