Tuesday, March 4, 2014


     First, Lanny, I would like to thank you for giving me something fun and constructive to do when I cannot sleep. Evidently you seem to have the same problem.  Better fix that, or people will start to say you are becoming like Esther. Oh, m'gosh!

    But anyway, now you seem to have come up with a new idea. Never mind criticizing what one says or twisting it out of shape; let's now condemn a person when she doesn't say something. Veeeeery clever - NOT. I have stated again and again, my opinion as a person is irrelevant in this issue. The lawsuit has been served and now it is a fact. As a President or official of UCO it would then become my responsibility to handle it in concert with lawyers and insurance company. My opinion one way or the other would not change facts.

 My opinion that David Israel has been bad for the Village, on the other hand, is one shared by many and can be backed up by facts and this is where an opinion does carry weight. The problem with you guys is you cannot separate issues and realities and that, dear Lanny, is NOT good government.

     In my travels around the Village during this campaign it has been my pleasure and privilege to meet so many residents, our lifeblood. They vary in thoughts and opinions, but all love it here and worry about what is to be.

They worry why things and actions are sprung on them.
They worry why they have to yell at people in UCO to get answers and even then mainly not.

They worry why they are denied access to a President unless it is a couple of months before an election and even then, it is only the presidents of the Associations or delegates.
They worry why they have to contend with deteriorating road conditions, floods on their walkways and roadways, the sinkholes that could have been avoided, the lack of a proper amount of reserve or designated funds.

They worry about a President that did not uphold his responsibilities during the paving project and who refuses to obey the bylaws.
They worry about the lack of UCO to handhold them in dealing with foreclosures.

They worry about a President who throws temper tantrums and curses people in vile language.

They worry about an administration that seems to focus on WIFI to the detriment of all other projects, especially when many Associations have been looking into their own WIFI already.
They worry abut non elected people having so much control over the President and over funds.

They worry and wonder how to fix this.

     The answer is to turn to a team approach that hears them and cares about and for them, for an administration that will work with a brain and a heart, that will supervise projects properly and handle our funds in a much more careful and transparent manner. They want a team that looks towards the future and will make sure that the mistakes of the past will not happen again. They want an administration that is already planning strategies about handling the issues of the Village.In short, they do not like David Israel or Ed Black or many others and they do not like the policies or lack thereof of this administration.

    The answer is to vote for the new team, the fresh and refreshing ideas of Esther and team which includes all of the residents of the Village. Each and every one has something to contribute to a better Village and we welcome their participation.

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