Friday, June 19, 2015

How it was.

Go back 30-40 years or so. Century Village is being organized. UCO is being formed. The idea here is that a United Civic Organization is formed. This organization is to give one voice to all of the Condos. They are to be represented by UCO. UCO is to be in the forefront of all our, the condos, requirements. UCO is to be a servant of the Condos.

So Fast forward to today. Where do the Condos stand and where does UCO stand?

It seems that the original plan has been thwarted. The original plan has been changed. The original plan has been thrown out.

Now the UCO only represents itself. The Condos have no Voice in UCO operations. The condos has only there own single voice. So what happened here?

UCO lost it's way!

The leadership of UCO has absconded with the original premise for the creation of UCO. The leadership has taken over UCO for their own purposes.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

1 comment:

  1. Where was UCO'S VOICE for SHEFFIELD-O. Now look at the MESS, we have in the VILLAGE. Now we have a new GAME in the VILLAGE called, ( BLAME THE OPERATION.)
