Saturday, August 5, 2017


I have been forbidden from writing and answering on Dave's blog. If you read his current post you will see that he is attacking the malcontents for having an opinion on the status of his real estate swap. An opinion which is wrong and is bordering on lies.

Let's get it straight. Israel can react to anything he wants on 'My Village Blogger' but I am not allowed to post on his blog.

His opinions are allowed on My Village Blogger, but my thoughts are not allowed on his very private blog.

So David Israel is allowed to state his opinions on My Blog, but my opinions are not allowed on his.

This is typical of the way the Dictator thinks and acts.

Wrong and Sad.


  1. The kettle calling the pot black. Who is worse, you or Israel? I tried three times to express my opinion on your blob (Gary's Blog,) but you refuse to post it because it was my opinion re the Cornish's episode, So, who is the Dictator?
