Friday, October 4, 2013


     Well, he really has gone off the rails now. Why do you keep insisting that I said I have lived here for only two years. Are you hard of hearing or just plain thick? And why do you keep harping on the pictures issue? Eva came from her office and checked with the people present and they resoundingly voted that they did not want their pictures taken. THAT IS THEIR RIGHT, my patriotic American and as far as freedom of the press and speech, please go speak to your boss and remind him of that, especially today when he will try to shut down any discussion of the budget.
     You can go to any site you want. The news has been full of the ridiculousness of these types of sites and I guess, as my last statement on this issue as I refuse to argue a stupid statement made by someone with emotional issues, I will take all my former students' "ratings" from our contacts on Facebook but no way will I get into a war on this. I will not descend to your infantile level, a man, who like a child, has to keep insisting he is right, when he knows damn well he isn't. . Just to let you know, if I ever practiced as a counselor it would have been illegal as my degree post graduate was in a 30+ credit program of Supervision and Administration , not in counseling, so, poor Bob, please take all of your inaccuracies, misheard statements, pure inventions, nonsensical remarks, etc. and please get a life. But I guess your beloved internet has never made any factual errors, unlike what the Internet in reality has done, rife with errors and inaccuracies.
      What I said and explained, was that the committees in their present situations, do not work. A gentleman present was of the same mind when he asked why bother going to these meetings and sitting for hours when  someone (i.e. Dave) then comes along and negates it all with political chicanery. Please note that this is not a direct quote, but a summary of statements made by the gentleman.) The committees need to be reconstituted as far as their mission is concerned, filled with people who truly serve the Village, who debate issues with honesty and care for the Village, not for their own egos or for a master. The president of UCO should not be running all these committee meetings, There is a concept called delegating. Dave believes in micro managing, to the detriment of all except his own ego. A proper manager maintains contact and knowledge, but not POWER by a constant presence and a smirking face, encouraging bashing (ah, Dave's term) of others who dare to disagree with him and talk against his ruinous policies and projects and methods of financing them.
   I think, poor Bob, that if you wish to speak, I will not speak in the Reporter where there is no possibility of privacy as it is one big room and lots of big ears. Try another venue. I said private and I said one on one, not a discussion in a busy room filled with other people and noise. Other than that, I regret to say, poor Bob, that I think you might be beyond help, unable to lose your confusion and not sure that I should waste any more time with you and your inanities. Got a good idea, though - since you spout nonsense, please find the ninnies and talk amongst yourselves on Dave's blog. That might help you.

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