Thursday, October 3, 2013

             BEWARE OF DAVID

THE COMMANDANT OF CENTURY VILLAGE now wants to take over all the private clubs in Century Village.  David Israel stated on HIS blog that a new bashing club had formed, which was not authorized by UCO.  He believes UCO has authority over PRIVATE CLUBS? They do not.  WPRF has the responsibility of issuing permission to any group requesting to form a club, and it has given that permission to this new club, called the Messenger Club. Its mission is to do exactly as its name implies; to act as a messenger by gathering information and relaying it to the residents.  This is not a bashing club. If the information happens to be directed at someone, in particular, it is done so only because the information  is germane to the residents. David has gone too far.  He has crossed the line too many times and must not be allowed to remain in office.  The fastest and easiest way to do this is to RESTORE TERM LIMITS when it’s brought before the delegate assembly. In this way, David will leave office when his term expires.  David Israel has too much control; he controls UCO - his BLOG –his committees – his Officers – and he’s trying hard to control the treasurer, but she is fighting back.  He indirectly controls the UCO Reporter. The editors have stated they will print anything he writes without censorship yet they censor what his opposition writes. This is not fair press; it is discrimination of the highest order.  This is the kind of power that has resulted in many a revolution, and this is the reason why we are having so much disruption in the village.  It will be up to the residents to return sanity to the village - We must get rid of the poison that is infecting us - We need to replace David Israel with someone who is stable, rational and competent.    That person is Esther Sutofsky. She will be the one to bring order to our present state of chaos.  



  1. Olga, I wish you would run for UCO President.

  2. Dennis, Thank you for the compliment Esther Sutofsky is much better qualified than me and she is running for president. I will be on the ticket for Vice President and will offer all the help I can. I prefer to remain behind the scenes.
