Thursday, October 3, 2013


      I thank you, Bob, for at least saying I sound intelligent. I do take exception when you say not so much when I write. I think I write pretty well and so do many other people, but, you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine about Dave's administration. I think it has done a great disservice to the Village, wasted a great deal of its money to a point where we will never be able to recoup it, left us with great problems, used a ridiculous Rob Peter to Pay Paul system of accounting and balancing books, and on and on. Only when Dorothy did a yeoman job of rescuing us did we come somewhat back but there is a long way to go. And, as far as respecting the office of president - I certainly do and that is why I want Dave out. He is the one treating it disrespectfully by his actions and manner of achieving what he wants.
     Now let us tackle why I decided to run for office. I did not want to do this. I was content living my life, a good one, busy, productive, filled with friends and family. Yes, I was bothered by much of what was going on but wrote on the blog, trying to nudge people the right way. And then we had Dave and associates, ninnies and all - talk about shining shoes! I think they are up another area! It was impossible to continue this way with Dave and company spouting off with a constant, "Keep us in office as there is no one else who wishes to run". Oh really. Well, when given a challenge I am just perverse enough to take up on it and here we are in the present situation. And guess what, Bob, it seems there are many people in the Village who feel the same way.
     Now, let us take up some of the people you mentioned.  How about a little respect when you talk about Ed. He is a sincere guy who wears his concern for the right thing, right out there on his sleeve. He talks his heart out trying to get people to listen, to hear, and understand what is going on. You don't like - tough, deal with it. Now, as far as my "friend" Olga, as you put it. I only just got to meet her. It is my privilege and pleasure to get to know her. She is a bright and intelligent woman who wants to right wrongs. So what is wrong with that? I see nothing wrong with it.
    Keep tuned for part III on the morrow and again, come talk with me, Bob, and see the light.
Vote for Esther. Get those delegates to vote the right way.

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