Sunday, October 6, 2013


     If one were to read only Dave's blogs, one would think not that the Village is going to hell in a handbasket, but that it has already arrived, delivered there by a few nasty people who dare to presume to differ with Dave, Ed, and the various ninnies. Well, sorry, all of you just listed. We are not and will not be visiting any such place.

     With all of its issues, many of which have been stressed in recent times because of the critical timing, the Village is still and will always remain, a wonderful place to live. It is filled with vibrant and interesting people, thinkers and doers, with many activities and venues to choose from. It is located in an area easily accessible by friends and relatives and close to shopping, (sorry, RB, we actually do have plenty of shopping already),entertainment, etc. Do we have issues - yes, of course. That is the human condition. As I used to tell my kids, the only perfection is not to be found on this earth so while we are here, we have to strive to reach and do and be the best we can.

     There are, however, some malcontents - yes, Dave, we are turning the table on you. You are actually a part of the malcontents in the Village, not accepting the wish of the majority as was seen in not one, but TWO votes at the Assembly. Anyway, these people, when the day does not go their way, choose to malign the Village and condemn it to ruin. Sorry, folks. You are so, so, wrong.

      There are weaknesses in our by laws; we know that and are formulating a plan to work on that and fix that. That will incorporate, if possible, a way to enforce the investigations that must be done and the most careful vetting of either owners or renters, especially renters. That is not to put down all renters. We have several in our building and they are fine and wonderful people, but we investigate and make sure they fit all requirements of financial stability and clean backgrounds. Gee, I wonder if today, working at the NSA in the past could prove to be problematic? We must have a way to enforce the no short term rental issue but much of that can be alleviated by associations and boards being really strict on that. Short term rentals lead to a dinginess of an apartment and that will be seen by future buyers and thus you will have more problems than before.

     This issue of wifi is not just the $3 as even Bettie says. Wow! What are we getting for that money? Where will that amount wander to in the coming years? Why put it into the budget before the Boca wifi had been investigated - and when it was, it was found lacking! Why this company, which seems to not be able to get things straight? And the $3 - what is its relationship to the $2 we are ALREADY PAYING! Does that mean the increase is only $1 or does that mean we will now be paying $5 for wifi. Aha! The plot thickens. More questions to be asked and answered.

      Next, we have Dave who obviously cannot count too well. That phrase and constant reiteration of other phrases such as the  usual suspects or the few or variations on such is truly ridiculous when one sees the fresh air that was evident in the Assembly. Two times, yes, two resoundingly loud two times, the issues that were tried to be rammed thru were overwhelmingly shot down. People are no longer going to fall for threats, intimidation, and disrespect and when the rest of the delegates realize that they must vote the way the resident owners want them to vote, and that the sky will not fall when they do so - well, wow! Maybe we can even discuss one unit one vote or some version thereof or a way to enforce proper voting procedures? What a refreshing change that will be.
Yes, there is much to do, some listed here and some not, but also, yes, there is much that is right in the Village and all that you needed to do, Dave, to improve the situation, was to reach out openly and honestly to those who were willing to work with you. But you chose not to do so so now, for a better government of the Village, VOTE ESTHER> TELL YOUR DELEGATES  TO VOTE ESTHER>

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