Tuesday, March 4, 2014



So that point has FINALLY arrived. David Israel is no longer only using his minions to write lies and half truths, but now he is posting bald faced lies, lies that we have countered ad infinitum. David Israel is trying to convince people that I am totally against WIFI. How wrong he is. I love WIFI and use it all the time. Many people in the Village do. But what we do not need is another 1 or 2 million dollar debacle similar to the roads.

 David Israel has tried to bring in incompetent firms, unable to do the job of wiring the whole Village. Other experts, including one who wired the Hong Kong police said that these companies are not capable of that and indeed, it is not even a good idea to do a Village wide wiring. That was tried in Boca Century and IT IS AWFUL. It does not work. What many associations are doing here in our Village is wiring their buildings according to the wishes of the residents and it is SO MUCH LESS COSTLY.

     What David Israel does not tell you is that his WIFI requires lots more money for speed and usage. So there you would be paying lots of money for a system that does not work AND paying Comcast as it is part of your monthly fee and then paying more to try to get a better set up for yourself. Very costly and a dumb move.

     David lies about his part in the disaster of the road paving and only now under duress is he finally admitting to SOME mistakes. He makes baldfaced lies about the return of money to the residents from the Comcast contract. Residents received about 10% in small decreases to their Comcast payments FOR ONE YEAR. All the rest was spent INCLUDING THE $500,000 he blew on the roads. His lies go on and on and then rants and raves that others are telling lies. His gall is unbelievable and  outrageous . He cannot answer with truth anymore than he could climb a skyscraper.

 He refused to debate because he cannot withstand the truth, cannot give answers that would satisfy the audience. Just reference the Forum and you will see the truth as it truly is. His rudeness and nastiness are clear to all; his inability to answer is clear as well. He runs the UCO office as a fiefdom of loud voices and curse words and cedes most decisions to Ed Black, bypassing and stomping on the bylaws all the while.

    David Israel has no respect for the truth or for the residents and cares only ONLY about his pet projects such as WIFI and then takes credit for anything else away from the person who actually deserves it.

     I personally have always championed honesty, caring, transparency, efficiency, good teamwork and civil behavior. There is none of that in David Israel's UCO. Even 5 of 7 current Officers have had it. That is a telling sign and calling them and others who have signed endorsements his typical rude names does not cover or hide the truth. His days in office are over and a new team needs to be elected. That is Esther's team.

 Put aside David Israel's lies, his nasty insinuations and remember his insistence on refusing debates, on refusing to raise the level of campaigning to an adult level, remember his insistence on name calling and trashing other people. I hate, hate, hate, having to write an article such as this, but David Israel leaves me no choice. THE TRUTH MUST OUT.



  1. I Love Wi-Fi and use it every day

  2. I use wifi all day and would not begin to try the wifi David Israel suggests for our village. The speed would never be up to par.
    If some of these folks think they will be able to communicate with their loved ones on their smartphones, they need to think again.
