Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Well now, enter the man who has more to say than what Bill Clinton said while defending himself re the Lewinsky woman. That man I speak of is the one and only Lanny Howe.

He has become THE SELF-PROFESSED Century Village Historian and Archivist. The biggest problem, however, is that history is supposed to be factual. Lanny has developed a propensity for bending and streeetchinnnng the truth. And, he also loves to leave out certain words and phrases in order for him to create fictitious, highly fanciful stories in order to hold our interest.

One has to understand that when he composes some far-flung literary garbage, he stands on a high-chair he borrowed from the UCO Reporter; he believes that he is far above everyone else . . . like way above. And note carefully, -- he doesn’t give a fiddler’s fart what he says about anybody, and do you know why? - - It is because he is Mr. Israel’s spokesman and another of his puppets.

Of all the stuff Lanny spews out, - - NOTE WELL, - - he doesn’t state anywhere any of the things that Mr. Israel may have accomplished in his 4 years in office that bettered Century Village. So, why does he stay away from that story, - - well, of course, there is nothing to tell. In four years, like FOUR YEARS, what has Mr. Israel done to make Century Village a better place to live? Take a look at Mr. Israel’s “bullets” on his hand-out card, - - even those are either super-exaggerated or totally false.

Let’s look further, - - if Lanny Howe said anything good about anybody beyond Mr. Israel, the Good Lord would probably strike him stone cold. Oh yeah, Lanny, while reading your criticisms and more criticisms, and even more criticisms, including of this writer who you declared to be Ed Ross (another asinine statement), - - I couldn’t help but doze off three times. You, Lanny, must have taken writing lessons from Art Buchwald.

So, Lanny, if you’re going to write such detailed fairy tales, you need to stick to the facts, stay away from criticisms of people and, while thinking, - - play with a yo-yo.



  1. I couldn't have said it any better than that.
    Lanny Howe is a blow-hard and loves to hear himself talk.
    What is a "YO-YO"? Are you referring to his private parts?

  2. A yo-yo is a toy that is powered by a string and a person, and has nothing to do with anyone's private parts.
