Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Usual Suspects

Below is an example of what the antis are thinking and saying. You will note that they feel we need a cop in presence at the DA meeting to shut up the loud speakers. Also note that they think a  Roberts Rules expert is needed to referee the arguments.

None of this is necessary. The problem with the loud DA is the chair. He doesn't know how to quiet a agitated Delegate without bringing on more anger. He can throw a Delegate out of the Assembly for no other reason than he doesn't like what he is saying.

Bringing in a Cop to threaten us is just wrong.

Now read below. This is taken from the comment stream of the Very Private blog and it is the usual suspects talking.

Also note their paranoiac ramblings about planned disruptions. This is absolutely not true. The disruption, if they be called that, are spontaneous, and generally forced by the Chair's ineptness. There is no planning and no collusion.

Plcruise said...
You are always the optimist Lanny! I am not sure that money would be the biggest issue with outsourcing some (but not all) UCO functions. Too many people have their egos invested in our system which leads to the constant arguing and power struggles. UCO's delegate system is TOO LARGE and inefficient and there are too many UCO committees with too many non-competent people on them. That is painfully evident. But a paid sheriff deputy or two would at least shut up the shouting at meetings if we keep this current system.
January 8, 2015 at 11:12 PM
Blogger Grace said...
I believe that 1 police officer would do the job. I think it is worth the try!
January 9, 2015 at 9:03 AM
Blogger ruthphild said...
The issue is not crowd control or police presence. The issue is professional management vs. our present system. We speculate on the cost and know it will be high because professionals get salaries in five figures -- high five figures. However, until we pursue it further and come up with what it will cost and what we would need to give up, it is only speculation.
In the past, the Village has turned down the purchase of the clubhouse facilities and the golf course more than once. This should give everyone an idea of what they would be willing to pay for professional management. In the final analysis, it's the Delegates who will accept or reject this proposed plan at the direction of their building associations. In the interest of all, I believe figures should be obtained and presented for deliberation, before we can say that it's worthwhile or not.
January 9, 2015 at 9:24 AM
Blogger Lanny Howe said...
Thoughtful contributions, thank you all. Perhaps a police presence AND a parliamentarian would help for the immediate future. Yes, good idea to work up an estimate on what some professional help would cost.
January 9, 2015 at 10:03 AM
Blogger Plcruise said...
As long as crazies with obvious mental problems (and other incoherent and rambling blogs) continually plan to disrupt meetings, paid law enforcement officers are needed more than Roberts Rules people.
January 10, 2015 at 11:21 AM

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