So what happened at the Delegate Assembly this last Friday? First off the haters were out in force. While Stu Richland was commenting on for the good of the order, the Mighty Bully, David Israel, started to complain about the fact that Stu was lecturing and he, didn't need it. So then Israel started to lecture Stu. Ridiculous!
The County people that are enforcing the rules explained what was going on with the Golf Course. This is the lowdown. The laws say that the property must be mowed to a height of 7 inches, back for 25 feet. The Enforcers had a meeting with the owners and he agreed to mow the lawn 7" and 50' back, which exceeds the law. This is being checked and the lawn is in the process of being cut.
And what happened to the fine? We don't know.
The Honor Flight was talked about and they still need money. The Korean Vets are invited. Suggestions were made for the excess budget money that UCO has should be donated to this flight That way there would be no need to ask, beg, for donations from everybody in the Village. After all the excess money in the budget is ours. $50,000 solves the problem. We have an excess of over $200,000.
Note this. The PBSO has put us on notice. The cops will be ticketing speeders (max speed is 25) in the Village. This will be a concerted and serious action.
I don't understand the worry about the number of voting Delegates still in attendance. After all we had nothing to Vote upon.
Why is it we are all concerned about the status of our roads and when and how will we fix them? In the meantime Eva is having the Clubhouse parking lot and the necessary striping done? I believe it is all done already.
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