Wednesday, January 13, 2016



Mr. Israel, call us anything you like.  Whatever names you have stored up for us for the sole purpose of identifying us, and your making an effort to irritate us, is not affecting us.

What you have to say means nothing to us.  Why?  Because we stand for the good in people; for righteousness and justice.  You are like a non-person . You stand for nothing!

You hide behind your computer and condense your comments to the point where one has to say – “I cannot believe he is President of a civic group that represents as many as 14,000 residents.”

You, Peyton Israel, David Israel, or whatever other name you choose to hide behind while calling code enforcement to have a sign removed from private property, namely the synagogue, and causing them big-time problems is an ill-natured act intended to hurt your opponent, Phyllis Richland.   One has to feel sorry for a self-made coward who doesn’t have a close friend to talk to about personal and private matters.  It would appear that your computer is your best friend and your telephone is your “drop-a-dime” pal.

SO - why would anyone want to vote for such a person for president of UCO?  Therefore, the Messenger, endorses Phyllis Richland for the Presidency of the United Civic Organization.

We, as a group of “MALCONTENTS” and others, with the approval of the Associations, have placed and will continue to place signs in various places around CV.  Let Mr. Israel, or whatever name he chooses to hide behind, “secretly” complain and report us of sign code violations.  How many times will he call code enforcement for sign violations?

WE, THE PEOPLE, have rights and we are not violating any county laws, rules, regulations or ordinances.  He is losing more and more every day and he knows it.  So, additional dirty-rotten politics will not come as a surprise.

Mr. Israel, you should realize by now that most people are on to your antics and that you should pick up your scroungy, seersucker short pants and just fade away into a dark room – don’t forget to take your computer.



  1. David Peyton Israel is afraid to take the Northampton sign down because he got busted.
