Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Truth


In 2009, UCO’S insurance was renewed. The insurance Company UCO used during that time was sold to another Company. When the policy was renewed, the new company made the mistake of writing one policy with a $50,000 limit for mold damage.  The original policy called for EACH association to have a $50,000 limit for mold damage. This error meant, in the event of a hurricane the village would only be covered for a grand total of $50,000 mold damage.

The policy was effective  in January and  Dan Gladstone, insurance chair at the time, did not receive the policies until March of that year.  As a result, when he received them and   discovered the mistake, he immediately notified the insurance Company of their error. The insurance company agreed to issue an endorsement to the policy to correct the mistake. Meanwhile, the hurricane destroyed many units, and because of the error, contractors refused to repair any damage, unless they were guaranteed payment in advance.

While the Insurance Company was putting together the endorsement, Jerry Karpf had his monthly umbrella club meeting and invited a representative of 1st priority as a guest.  This was the first meeting between Dan Gladstone and 1st Priority. At that meeting, Dan saw an opportunity to speak to 1st priority about our problem.   1st priority agreed to do the work without receiving money up front. They understood the problem and said they would wait for the insurance Company to issue the endorsement to allow each Association to have a total of $50,000 in mold damage.  Dan said OK but insisted all work must have permits. At that time, none of the unit owners had permits for the work needed to repair their units.  (Thirty eight inspections previously failed due to violations.)  1st priority was told by the inspectors, they were not allowed to begin work until all violations were removed. After the violations were removed the inspectors would issue permits to begin work.   The inspectors gave the responsibility of removing the violations to the unit owners and the Associations. This created a long waiting period in which repair work was held up due to the existing violations. Many unit owners were unaware of the cause of the delay; they became frustrated and blamed Dan. Dan Gladstone went before the Insurance commission to complain about the inspectors not giving permits to the contractors to allow them to begin work. He was told by the commission, “What do you want us to do? Have those contractors to do the work without permits? They have to wait.”  Eventually, the violations were removed, and 1st priority completed all the work.  The delays caused the unit owners to become frustrated, and they put all the blame on Dan.  David Israel saw the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the owner’s anger and frustrations by using Dan Gladstone as a whipping boy.  The owners quickly forgot about all the work and effort Dan Gladstone put into serving the village for the past ten years. The result was David Israel won that election by only TWO votes.   

Authors note:  1st priority had previously worked in Palm Beach County and had never encountered any problems. Their reputation was sullied by David Israel and his henchmen that wanted David in power.

 It was because of a threatened lawsuit by 1st priority that David Israel knew he could not defend that he was forced to write this letter of retraction.
Please refer back to this letter.

 This is only a vignette of the real character of David Israel.


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