Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Delegate Assembly Wars

So what exactly did happen at the last Delegate Assembly meeting?

To begin with El Presidente was very laid back. There was no bluster, no gavel banging, no calling for PBSO. All was very serene, even if Mr.Ed went over his time to talk, which he did, there was no reaction from the Great one. Even when Mr.Ed yelled at the timer person for banging her gavel continuously after the end of the 2 minute rule. There was no reaction.

It was as though he was tranquilized. Which maybe he was.

But to continue, right off the bat Mr. Ed took the mike and spoke with Captain Bruckner PBSO. He explained that the situation with Olga and the visit was wrong, and there was a more egregious situation with Esther and her hate mail. It was explained that a complaint was lodged with PBSO about that and it was replied that that was not a credible or viable threat.

So what happened is the the Captain did not hear the question. I will repeat it here.

"Why should Esther's hate mail monger not be a credible threat and Olga's is??"

But later it was noted that the PBSO Criminal Analyst left with Esther, so I guess this situation is going to be looked into. Which well it might.

So the meeting went basically unexcitingly except for the fact that Esther was appointed to the Executive Committee to fill an opening.

But wait, Esther, to make a point asked all Delegates that felt that the actions of the President were not in the interest of the Village should stand up and walkout, which they did. So did the quorum with them.

After the meeting there was another meeting when Eva, Manager of the Clubhouse accosted Mr. Ed in the lobby. The conversation they had was about the suppression of the CVMessenger paper in the Clubhouse as well as the suppression of all political actions on any Village property. All of which is controlled by Eva. All of which is further controlled by David Israel. The outcome remains to be seen.

Eva's argument is that this choice is not up to her. She seems to take her orders from David Israel in this regard. After all he holds the Village purse strings.

With or without Delegate approval.

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