Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This conversation between our prospective buyer and a current resident takes place a few days after the first conversation.

Hey, how are you? I see you are still hanging around, Are you liking the Village more? Are you buying?

Good to see you too. I've been seriously thinking about buying. The points you made about possible changes in the administration gave me incentive to buy but there are still issues.

Like what? Maybe I can help you.

Well, yesterday after the rain, I went outside and had to go to a friend's place. It was nearby so I decided to walk or rather thought I would walk. I practically had to swim through some of the lakes on the roadways. What gives with that? I know they were horribly paved, but where are the drains and drainage system?

You hit it on the nail again. We were ripped off again with the drains. Unbelievably overcharged for something called a French drain, a number were installed. Well, maybe we should pick another name for them, like....failed drains, or what a load of crock drains. They are insufficient and plus the slope of the road for drainage and runoff was killed by the paving. So look what we have now - more swimming pools, a worry as to what will happen should we get a really bad weather system in. Should we tell our first floor residents to get sandbags or high waders?
But we are planning to make sure this does not happen again and will try to find a remedy for the drainage where we can.

How will you do that?

well, I don't know the details, but I know our future new president, Esther Sutofsky, and her team, will investigate all possibilities. That is what they do - investigate, investigate, investigate, research, research, research before deciding and spending the Village's money. Making sure that we get the best bang for our money.

That sounds great. Can I meet her?

Sure, just email her at or come to one of the meetings she will attend. She and her entire slate have an open door policy, now and after winning the election. We have a great place her and are going to make it even better once we have the right person in place.

Oh, I should tell you that I heard about the current guy making up a fancy color brochure for his reelection. Are you worried?

No! When a bird looks for a mate, the bird gets all dressed up with colorful feathers and plumage, but we are not looking for a mate. We are looking for partners so we do not need to waste money on that. Besides, lies printed in color still are lies so the brochure is just more hot air, lies, and omissions.
If this man and his minions would spend ore productive time on the concerns of the Village, then he and the Village would not be in the place they are right now.

Think I am going to tell my friend to vote for Ether. He is a delegate. I agree - THROW HIM OUT. VOTE FOR A CLEAN AND OPEN GOVERNMENT. Now how do I go about volunteering to work with you?

Just email and we will return the email or call if you send us your number. See you soon. Take care.

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