Sunday, September 15, 2013

I HATE TO SAY THIS, BUT.............

Last night, while trying in vain to fall asleep, or rather get back to sleep, my mind was churning. Over and over it was bringing up images of the postings that we have done and I am ashamed of myself for lowering myself to their level in calling Dave a sleaze bucket  so soon after Yom Kippur and I am horrified at the level of cruelty seen in the posters of the other blog. One very casually tosses off the statement that CV is not for people who cannot afford it and the Wifi payments, so basically, let them get the hell out of town. Really now! When the elderly elderly retired on $600 SS and their savings it seemed like enough. Now they have outlived their savings and the SS payments are a joke so yes, $3 or $4 or $8 or wherever you think to stop is a lot. It is a dinner or two. What should we do? Toss them under the highway. You should only hope that you do n ot find yourself in that condition in the years to come.
You denigrate anyone who disagrees with you, having the nerve to do so. Who do you guys think you are? G-d's representatives on earth? Well, you are not so get off your pedestal and mingle with the plain folks again. Stop calling Dorothy, a woman of total integrity and strictly by the book person as regards her responsibilities, a possible crook. Where do you come off doing that?
Stop feeding on your own hate and inanities and look at other people's viewpoints and actions without consigning them to the devil or highway or wherever.Try to think of the definite possibility that there will be another president come March and other officers and you will have to work with them. Do not burn bridges.


  1. It has become obvious that the people who are pushing for Wi-Fi are simulating our politicians in Washington who when making decisions do not consider their constituents but act only to serve themselves.
    These selfish motives are digging us deeper and deeper into a financial hole which in the future will be the albatross that slowly removes the living breath from our bodies and quietly chokes us to death.
    The leadership of David Israel has made "I WANT"
    the mantra of his administration.
    We must remove this poison from Century Village before it destroys us all.

  2. And I am sorry I made the comment about you, Esther, that I "recognized the 'snarl.'" Forgive me? Far more important than the issues that divide us, I think, is taking steps to create and maintain harmony. I don't mean fail to say what we think about the issues, but realize at the end of the day that we are people, and we don't know everything. One day I was looking through our Association bylaws and noticed, in just a short sentence, that one of an Association president's duties was to promote harmony. That struck me. It was if that sentence became red-lined for me, and I have never forgotten it. Not adhered to it, plenty, but never forgotten it. I wish it were that way in the Village, and I believe it can be.

    1. When we get rid of the source of all dis-harmony we will be better of.

  3. AMEN!!!!! From your mouth to the delegate's ears

  4. Lanny,
    You appear to be a man of reason, yet, sometimes you cease to amaze me with your inability to overlook David Israel's shortcomings. HE is the one who started promoting discord in the village. His first action, when he took office was to fire the administrator of the Century Village Q & A blog and start HIS VERY OWN DAVID ISRAEL SOAPBOX; ever since, we have been on a destructive downhill slide. You may tell me to look at the positive side of his information initiative but I question, does the good outweigh the bad? I think not when you put it all together.

    If David's motives were legitimate, when he became president he would have added his expertise to the Q & A Blog rather than destroy it and replace it with his own self-serving trash. This is the one big reason we do not have HARMONY in the village today.
    So Lanny, I ask you, enter the Age of Reason and think hard about who the real David Israel is.

  5. Lanny, Olga is correct. One of the single most disharmonious things in the Village is Dave and his puppetmaster, Ed Black. They introduce and encourage hatred and contempt for others, those who disagree with them. For G-d's sake, they even booted some new guy off Dave's blog because he dared to stray from the yes,sir,,no sir straight line that Dave demands. Without Dave and cohorts I believe that we can start fresh, retrain ourselves, encourage polite talk, patience and less "old" behavior like yelling at a speaker or not waiting a turn, etc. But with Dave around in any position of authority or with Ed black in any connection with our money - well, we are back in the crapper again.

  6. Hey, Lanny: from your MA steamer pal. Good wishes to you.
    Wouldn't it be ever so nice if everyone in CV held hands and sang: "Ring-Around-The-Rosy." You know, all would be well, and people would be smiling dancing and laughing, - and there wouldn't be any such thing as crooks or spies, or money manipulation, or lies, or secret dealings, - or even fixed elections.
    But all of those nice things, - that is wishful thinking; it can never happen. Not with Cue-ball and his stick and Black-ball in his corner pocket.
    Why?--because you have a president that is a pompous ass who demands, like an adult-child, always to have HIS way or no way; who is smothered with grandiose delusions, including secrecy and plotting ways to intentionally harm people; a man of bizarre behavior and mean-spirited in every way.
    He probably has never had inner dealings with normal people, so he now tries to use sophisticated language to gain your attention and respect, and it doesn't work because nobody knows what the hell he's talking about. But, HE KNOWS, and that's all that counts with him.
    Israel wants to be the King, - the Big Boss, - the respected Dictator with a smile, but no matter what he does, he's still perceived as NERO because that seems to be his nature.
    So, one has to forget Rosy-Posy stuff and get this ogre out of office, and he can take his throne with him.
    Now, Lanny, you are an intelligent man; just think about what I've said. Think hard. EDUARDO

    1. Eduardo, you are right on. You add some humor to just about everything, and it's well placed. I like what you deliver to people because it is politically correct, and you take the edge off with a little injection of comedy. Keep it going, I'm learning from you that even a bad president can turn into a funny story.
