Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So Now What?

So we have reached the point of realizing that to do nothing, to let things just roll along, not so merrily, was to allow poor government, (and I am being generous here), to continue to grow, to allow our funds to be depleted, perhaps against Florida condo codes besides other violations, and to allow the infrastructure of our Village to deteriorate.Now please, do not get me wrong. We should not just pack our bags and give up, for the same situation can occur anywhere - all we have to do is allow it and people are not very different no matter where they live.

What we need to do is ACT! Find out when the sign up is to run for office and sign up. Go volunteer for committees so that Dave and minions do not rule. Sit in on Committee meetings and be gadflies. That is an honored American tradition. Call the present government out on anything and everything. Force them to be transparent and honest. You say you have a life, so let others do it. Well, that is how we got here in the first place. Just go to one meeting.  You have appointments? Trust me, I know all about that, but let us try to schedule future ones so that we can go to a meeting or two. Become active in your condo association. Become an expert or at least become knowledgeable about an area of the Village that interests you. There are so many. But, please, let us not just sit back and say someone else will surely do it. Please, as Michael Jackson sang,"Begin with the man in the mirror".

So, am I just mouthing off, telling everyone else to put their money where their mouth is? No! I am going to take my own advice and go to that meeting and sign up for something. Please, join those of us who know now what has been happening. Go back and reread the Scandals parts. Out with Dave. Out with Ed. Keep the good. Out with all trickery. Man, I think I need to go watch Les Miz again.

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