Thursday, February 13, 2014


     So we now know that David Israel does not like to tell the unvarnished truth. We now know where he has gone wrong. But once we get into office what do we do when we open that door for business?

     The first thing we do is a welcome and a thank you, obviously and the second is to do as all businesses do - assess and evaluate. What are our most critical areas? Which are the areas which we must tend to first and what then are the areas where we can and must start on a long term planning program, especially in our financial area. What must we do in order to bring our funds and needs back in line and with good people in office and good advisers who care about the Village we can and should be able to make progress. Will it be immediate? No. All things take time and to do things properly we must do them right, legally and with forethought and care.

     So there we find another must do. We must find good attorneys who know all about 617 and 718 and Tallahhassee and all the rules and by laws and who can help us bring our bylaws up to date and in proper order, sensible and workable. We must find people who will advise us on how to work better with and for our Associations for the Associations are the lifeblood of the Village and the Associations working together will make this a better Village. The Associations must find a welcome ear in UCO and an understanding that we can advise and guide, but much of the heavy lifting, the determination to keep their Associations on the proper path must come from them. Those are the rules of the state.

     We must engender an open and welcoming atmosphere in the UCO office. The people who come in are not pests; they are our residents and they have concerns which must be addressed to the best of our ability. We must be open with them and not talk out of both sides of our mouth at the same time. We must learn that to share power, duties and delegate responsibilities is the way to properly conduct a business and that is what UCO is - a business with a human heart.

      I, personally, will make it my business to meet with all officers and the executive board on an informal basis and hear their concerns, their interests, thoughts, fears and skills. I will ride the roads of our Village with our Security and our CAM and see the Village from their eyes - and mine ( I have not been allowed to do this during the campaign). I would like to meet with the various sectors of the Village, perhaps in Town Hall Meetings and hear from the people in those quadrants. All that I ask is that we do this with manners and with order.

     What will we do when the office reopens? We will try to fulfill the dreams all of us had when we moved here, to enrich the life we have here and keep this the best way we know how. I love it here and am running for President of UCO because my dream is the same as yours - a viable, working, beautiful piece of heaven on earth. Join me in that dream and let us work together to keep it in place.

Yes, Vote for Esther and the Slate and lets bring the Future Closer.

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