Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Unbelieveable and yet, True

Here is the original road contract, plus the comments made on the Roads by Dom G. Read it in wonderment and weep.

Notice that Dom complains about the shoddy and poor workmanship and notice also the whole was not paid for at the time, and futhur notice it was signed by D Israel only, three times. There was monies still owed. So what did the TinMan**  do? He immediately paid them in full.

**(The Tinman does NOT have a Heart and/or Soul)

How did this happen? Well the smart ladies of the Tinman will tell you the Delegates did it. And that is true. The Executive Board voted Yea, the Operation Committee voted Yea and for that matter the Tinman garnered as many yea votes as was necessary to get it Past. BUT, and this is the big BUT. Where was the leadership that should have looked after the Village? Where was the Presidents advisory that should of, would of, forestalled this disaster?  No where, that's where!!  Any ration man would of held monies back as a performance bond. But not the Great Tin Man he does not treat his friends in that manner.

Below is a smattering of some of the photos of the roadway and walkway now existing in Century Village

The next disaster, The Wi-Fi scandal is in the making as we speak

Enjoy the pictures. BTW if you have some pictures and want them posted, send them to this blog I will post them.

Walkway starts here

End of Tirade.


  1. For the record the Dom G you write about is Dominic Guarnagia. This is the Officer who allowed this disgraceful road situation to occur. And, this is the man the delegates voted overwhelmingly to take Phyllis Richland's place as Vice President when she retired. The delegates mistakenly believe that Dominic is a tireless volunteer who looks after the best interest of the residents - nothing could be further from the truth.
    Dominic is a man with no backbone - he does not have the guts to stand up against David Israel when he knows deep down David is doing the wrong thing. Shame on you DOM. You should go back into your retirement where you belong.
    I have no respect for you

    1. Sam you expect to much from one man alone. Look what the Tinman has done to Esther, She can stand against him all she wants, volunteering for Committee work is out of the question. What I suggest is that you get active on your Boards work, become a delegate and make a difference.

    2. To Gary,
      I presume the TINMAN you refer to is David Israel. I do not condone the damage Israel has done to the village. I only wanted people made aware of Dominic who many believe is a saint- far from the truth. David Israel may be the Devil but Dominic is his trusted disciple. God have mercy on both their souls.
