Monday, June 16, 2014

Roberts Rules, litigants, Defendants and Unlicensed Lawyers

Unlicensed lawyers abound in the UCO Committees. Starting with the UCO Fox and going all the way down to The Fox's Buddies. We did have a Roberts Rules Expert here for a long time, but he got disgusted with the the way the Chair was running things and so he quit.

I cannot believe that Israel is arguing that Olga and anybody else that wants to talk to the delegates cannot do so. The only voice the delegates are allowed to hear are those people that are approved by Israel.

I am not a expert on Roberts Rules, but there is a spot in the rules that talks about justice impartiality and equality. I quote as follows:

Here is how justice, impartiality, and equality operate in

the presiding officer doesn't take sides but
Allows all to be heard equally in debate. If the
Presiding officer wants to voice an opinion about the
Issue under discussion, the presiding officer relinquishes
The chair to another officer so that he or she can speak
And vote.
The presiding officer and members should know
the rules and apply them judiciously. Correct only
major infractions. If members’ rights aren't being taken
away and an infraction is minor, raising a point of order
to correct the infraction isn't necessary.
The presiding officer ensures that all sides of an
issue are heard and that the rules of debate are
carefully followed. These measures prevent a small
group from railroading a motion through.
Members have the right to make a motion to
take a vote by ballot during a controversial
issue. A ballot vote preserves members’ privacy and
prevents possible retaliation for the way they voted.

Remember when Israel took the privacy out of the Voting, by making the Nays stand.

And of course Israel is conversing with one of his 3 com padres, there doesn't seem to be more than that.


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