Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Village problems and the President

So what is going on here? The problems with our Village are getting bigger and bigger. First off, recognize the fact that the President is slowly and surely grabbing all of the Public Voices. He is controlling them. He does this by threats. These threats are not audible but they are known. For instance a threat to take you off a committee. A threat to stop your access through the gates. A sarcastic comment on his private blog. Re: The Uniters Club Dance.

But worst of all is his operations. for instance be it known that David Israel owns the Reporter. Nothing is printed in this paper that does not follow the party line. Nothing is printed on his PRIVATE Blog that does not follow the party line. Nothing is done at the Club House that does not meet with Israel's approval.

And it getting worst still. Look at his attempt to control the Delegate Assembly. His tools are the Gavel, threats and banishment. He is not beyond stating his opinions from the Chair (against Roberts Rules). He will make pronouncements of his power even after the delegates call for a vote. For instance the offer of a Forensic Audit was made and a vote was asked for. Israel said the vote was not necessary, that was Friday. On Monday the Okay was rescinded. Essentially the President lied to our Face.

The problem we have with UCO is that the Budget now calls for a decrease in our UCO dues by $6 per unit. Israel says the Treasurer cannot change that number. Except he has changed the number, twice! This time he says he can not. If the budget has extra money in it, why NOT pass the savings on the unit holders?

Why is he still talking and promoting the WiFi? This is a dead issue per the Delegates.

Why is he talking about Comcast and will happen 5 years from now. Who cares? And what about these rumors that the number of bank accounts are being reduced, eventually to ONE account only. What is the reason for this? From my perspective one account makes it easier to use monies that have been earmarked to be used for something else. Follow the money. Who can follow?

Please note the unhealthy situation that now exists in this Village. The UCO Reporter is controlled, with Bias & Omission articles. Those that are opposing Israel's positions are excluded. So the Messenger Club is not allowed to present it side. If it is opposition, it is silenced.  If a mention is made of a opposition statement it might be only 1/2 truth. The Reporter is controlled, not by UCO, but by D.Israel. Channel 63 i controlled by Israel. The Private blog is controlled by Israel.

Talking about the Uniters Club Dance. There is a problem here. Israel decided that the Messenger Club was behind the charge for the dance. Where he got that from is beyond me. This is just another example of his paranoia. He sees his enemies everywhere. Behind every tree. His enemies are behind ever action that appears to be detrimental to D. Israel policies. Weird and frightening.

Would you let your Grandchildren near this guy? Would you let you children near him? He has to go.

Vote NO on the budget
Vote YES YES  on a recall
Vote YES Yes on Term limits (Retroactively)
It takes only 35 names on a Petition

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