Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hateful little people

So get this. In this day and age there are small hateful people that are watching, looking out their windows to see what trouble they can make.

Olga was accosted by one of these on Saturday. She was posting flyer's for the messenger club meeting on Tuesday Jan 14 at 3:30 Room C clubhouse when one of these little hateful people accosted her. It was the great and renown accoster Phylliss Siegelman. She tried to chase Olga away with her broom (the one she flew in on). She accused Olga of trespassing. Wrong. She accused Olga of soliciting. Also wrong. She threaten and then called the cops. A rover showed. Olga got a recorder and surprisingly Phyllis clammed up.

Is this a free country? Yes. But not to Phyllis. She thinks she has inalienable rights that supersede the rest of us.

I am not surprised.


  1. A Greenbrier residentJanuary 10, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    Phyllis Seigelman should be booted out of office. This is another case where David Israel picked a dummy to run on his ticket only because her only qualification were she is a David Israel Hack.

  2. Phyllis Seiigelman, my neighbor, is one hell of a piece of work. She hates everyone. She is known here as the south side of a north-bound horse. She likes to threaten people, but if she does that to me, I'll drag her south-side into court.

  3. so sad that this is what we have as an officer of UCO
