Friday, January 9, 2015


Lanny Howe did it again. He hit the volunteer problem right on, but missed the point.

Volunteers should be chosen by their expertise or the availability to do the job. But in this place the volunteers get picked by their politically leanings. If you are against D. Israel on any level then you are out.

There is something wrong in picking Volunteers by political leaning. Such as is picked for volunteer work for the Democrats or for the Republicans.

But No. Israel picks them if they are absolutely for him. He does not brook any deviation from the rule "You are for Israel 110% or you are out.

As is the case of Ed Grossman the only Licensed, register Forensic CPA in Century Village. As is the case of Phyliss, Esther and many others.

So one day Lanny (what kind of name is that?) your time will come and if you do volunteer you will be fired. Or if you like posting on his very private blog he will block you.


  1. Lanny Howe surely is an intelligent man. He's a good story teller also. He always has a lot to say, but you have to read what he says very carefully. Without question, he is pro-David Israel, -- no matter how wrong or twisted Israel is, Lanny is there to say all good things about his leader, - the Dictator, the Liar, the mean-spirited tyrannical lord master with a gavel.

    But when Israel falls, and as sure as God made little apples he will, -- then Lanny's literary skills will absolve himself and he'll expect to be pardoned for all the poison he spewed in order to keep his job.

    Lanny, if a person volunteered for one day or one year, between certain dates, - say Jan. 1st. thru Dec. 31st., -- that person should be thanked graciously by receiving an invitation to the Volunteer's Luncheon. And, that person should have the right to accept or decline, not an Israel committee making those decisions This political bull-shit is a Century Village Trademark.

    P.S. What do you say Lanny, --- maybe someday we can enjoy a couple of buckets of giant steamers together and exchange pleasantries. Yummy-yum-yum.

  2. From: Howard Silver
    Date: January 11, 2015 at 3:40:16 PM EST
    Subject: A letter to the editor
    To: Joy Vestal , Reporter Staff , David Israel

    I have been a UCO volunteer for at least 12 years, and first I want to thank the volunteers committee for arranging this event is not an easy job. but as I say I've been going Uco Volunteer Lunches for at least 12 years and this was by the (worst) I've ever gone to. as a volunteer not for any payment but to do good for the village. All the different department volunteers saves UCO millions of dollars a year in salaries. Just think every volunteer at least gives four hours or plus in time volunteering and I'm ashamed to say that you go serve that foods at this luncheon I can't believe it? I know things are bad but they can't be that bad at UCO. I remember when we had a hot dishes then we had Real Cold cuts and gave a little gift to the volunteers you want you wonder why we can't get good volunteers to do the right job. At least you could you reward them for there
    service to UCO

    (3 Vice President)
    (8 years on the Executive Board)
    Howard Silver

    Sent from my iPhone
